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Waldorf Block: Kids Can Heal Package
FREE SAMPLES - Members Ignore this Section
SAMPLE: Course Guide, Parent Guide, Handouts, and Schedule
SAMPLE: Herbs for Kids: Herbal Creations (7:39)
SAMPLE: The Iridology "Mandala" (13:00)
Herbs for Kids
Course Guide, Parent Guide, Handouts, and Schedule (71:08)
Herbs for Kids: Herbal Creations (35:19)
Herbs for Kids: Foraging and Wildcrafting (9:49)
Herbs for Kids: Herbal Identification
Herbs for Kids: Herbs and the Senses (26:22)
Herbs for Kids: Herbs and Movement (5:14)
Herbs for Kids: Herbs and Drawing (26:55)
Herbs for Kids: Herbal Storytelling
Iridology for Kids
Guide, Teacher Tips, Handouts, and Printables
The Iridology "Mandala" (26:18)
The Iridology "Clock" (29:08)
Basic Iridology for Kids (17:24)
Basic Iridology Techniques (14:39)
Reflexology for Kids
Guide, Teacher Tips, Handouts, and Resources
Su-Jok Reflexology for Kids: Part One (18:01)
Su-Jok Reflexology for Kids: Part Two (30:44)
Su-Jok Reflexology for Kids: Anatomy
How to Give an American Reflexology Treatment (15:07)
Temperaments and Typology for Kids
Guide for the Course & Teacher Tutorials (120:36)
Temperaments through Stories
The Temperaments: Listening and Learning
Nutritional Well Being for Kids
Cooking Healthy Foods with Kids
Wildlife and Nutrition
Our Bodies and Nutrition
Teach online with
The Iridology "Clock"
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