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Waldorf Block: Fourth Grade Norse Mythology
Fourth Grade Norse Mythology Block
Written Lessons for Fourth Grade Norse Mythology Block
Norse Story: The Beginning: Extra Story
Lesson One: Intro to Norse Mythology (14:15)
Lesson Two: Norse Mythology: The Norse Creation Story (6:23)
Lesson Three: Norse Mythology: The Sacred Tree Named Yggdrasil (65:22)
Lesson Four: Norse Mythology: Asgard and the Air Throne (59:07)
Lesson Five: Norse Mythology: Oden’s Journey (46:42)
Lesson Six: Norse Mythology: Thor the Thunder (13:30)
Lesson Seven: Norse Mythology: Iðunn and the Golden Apples (24:47)
Lesson Eight: Norse Mythology: Baldr the Beautiful (18:59)
Lesson Nine: Norse Mythology: The Vikings (21:25)
Norse Mythology Watercolor Lesson: Lesson 10: Jormungandr (8:48)
Norse Mythology Watercolor Lesson: Lesson 11: Yggdrasil Tree (12:58)
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Lesson Five: Norse Mythology: Oden’s Journey
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