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Waldorf Block: Fifth Grade Ancient Persia and Mesopotamia
Main Opening Verse
This verse is the introduction to every fifth grade lesson
Fifth Grade Ancient History: Mesopotamia and Persia Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Persia Block (30:24)
BLOCK PLAN FOR PARENTS: Ancient Civilizations: Persia
Ancient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #1: Ahura Mazdao and Ahriman (79:47)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #2: Animal Domestication and the Discovery of Fire (125:19)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #3: The Advent of Farming (72:47)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #4: The Birth of Zarathustra (53:08)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Persia Lesson #5 – Zarathustra’s Initiation (82:34)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #6: Convincing King Vishtaspa to Follow the Path of Light (63:36)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #7: King Vishtaspa’s Glimpse of Heaven (43:15)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #8: The Legacy of Zarathustra (72:44)
BLOCK PLAN FOR PARENTS: Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #1: Creation Story of Mesopotamia (44:32)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #2: The Story of Marduk and Tiamat (79:27)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #3: The Rhythms of Nature and the Birth of Gilgamesh (120:07)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #4: Gilgamesh Becomes King of Uruk (84:37)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #5: The Death of Enkidu (106:27)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #6: The Plant of Life (134:42)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: FINAL Lesson – Block Review and Quiz Mesopotamia and Persia (21:43)
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Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Persia Block
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