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Waldorf Block: Seventh Grade Astronomy
First Lesson Free! (Members Ignore This Section)
Welcome to Seventh Grade with Teacher Stephanie (23:03)
FREE First Lesson: Astronomy 1: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part I (51:18)
Free First Lesson: Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 1: Imagery (43:57)
Free First Lesson: Geometry Lesson #1: Fibonacci Sequence: Part I (45:50)
Seventh Grade Astronomy Block
Astronomy Main Lesson Book Pages
Written Lessons for the Seventh Grade Astronomy Block
Astronomy 1: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part I (51:18)
Astronomy 2: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part II (49:42)
Astronomy 3: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part III (45:56)
Astronomy 4: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part I (41:36)
Astronomy 5: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part II (42:59)
Astronomy 6: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part III (46:59)
Astronomy 7: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part IV (45:31)
Astronomy 8: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part I (46:43)
Astronomy 9: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part II (49:59)
Astronomy 10: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part III (48:19)
Astronomy A: Ptolemy (46:21)
Astronomy B: Copernicus (40:39)
Astronomy C: Giordano Bruno (46:42)
Astronomy D: Tycho Brahe (43:47)
Astronomy Lesson E: Galileo: Part I (43:57)
Astronomy Lessons F: Galileo: Part II (45:37)
Astronomy Lessons G: Kepler (42:23)
Astronomy Lessons H: (Final Astronomy Lesson for 7th Grade) Newton (47:16)
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Astronomy Lessons H: (Final Astronomy Lesson for 7th Grade) Newton
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