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Waldorf Block: Eighth Grade Asian Geography
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FREE LESSON: 8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #2: The Palace of Versailles (51:54)
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Eighth Grade Asian Geography
Lesson 1: Landscapes and Climates of Asia (57:44)
Lesson 2: Resources of Asia (59:22)
Lesson 3: The Cultures of the Indian Subcontinent, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh (64:36)
Lesson 4: The Cultures of The Himalayas, Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan (63:24)
Lesson 5: The Cultures of Central Asia from Afghanistan to Siberia (60:55)
Lesson 6: The Cultures of China, Taiwan, and Mongolia (59:26)
Lesson 7: The Culture of Korea (59:38)
Lesson 8: The Culture of Japan (60:00)
Lesson 9: Cultures of Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam (60:15)
Lesson 10: Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines (62:32)
Lesson 11: The Culture of Indonesia (60:09)
Lesson 12: The Culture of the Middle East (59:50)
Lesson 13: Collectivism vs. Individualism (68:46)
Lesson 14: Essay on Collectivism vs. Individualism (50:56)
Lesson 15: Communism in Asia (63:07)
Lesson 16: The Interplay of Communism and Capitalism (58:16)
Lesson 17: PROUT, an Asian-Born Philosophy of Sustainability (65:30)
Lesson 18: Block Review and Quiz (70:27)
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