Waldorf Block: Third Grade Math
This lesson block contains everything you need for third grade Waldorf math including insights from Steiner, Main Lesson Book tips, and a daily practice guide. Lessons include double digit multiplication, long division, measuring concepts, time, money and more. This includes access to all the third grade Main Lesson Book math pages.
Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby).
This lesson block contains everything you need for third grade Waldorf math including insights from Steiner, Main Lesson Book tips, and a daily practice guide. Lessons include double digit multiplication, long division, measuring concepts, time, money and more. This includes access to all the third grade Main Lesson Book math pages.
Your Instructor
Mellie Mae Lonnemann lives in Asheville, North Carolina with her husband and two sons. Mellie was a class teacher at the Green Meadow Waldorf School in Chestnut Ridge, NY before the arrival of her first son, Joseph. She then taught homeschool students morning lessons, clay art, quilting, and gardening. She taught handwork at the Asheville Waldorf School before the birth of her second son..Mellie received her Waldorf Teacher Certificate from Sunbridge Institute, a BFA with a concentration in ceramics from Alfred University, and an Art Certificate in Professional Maiolica from the Ballardini State Institute of Art in Faenza, Italy. Mellie loves spending time outdoors, being creative, and learning from her beautiful sons! She wishes to impart a love for learning through curiosity, discovery and creativity.
Course Curriculum
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson One (18:48)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Two (25:05)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Three (19:45)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Four (18:58)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Five (17:12)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Six (19:27)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Seven (15:53)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Eight (17:43)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Nine (21:48)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Ten
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Eleven (21:01)
StartThird Grade Math: Lesson Twelve (21:14)
StartWritten Lessons for Third Grade Math Block
StartWorksheets for Third Grade Math
StartLesson One: Math: Measurements: History of Measurements (19:32)
StartLesson Two: Math: Measurements: Bird House Measurements (13:04)
StartLesson Three: Math: Measurements: House Building: Bat House (34:13)
StartLesson Four: Math: Measurements: Create Your Own Measurements (17:04)
StartLesson Five: Math: Geometry – Feeling Circles (14:03)
StartLesson Six: Math: Grids – Volume and Space (32:17)
StartLesson Seven: Math: Long Division and Multiplication (16:32)
StartLesson Eight: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice (28:56)
StartLesson Nine: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 2 (23:56)
StartLesson Ten: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 3 (37:56)
StartLesson Eleven: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 4 (24:12)
StartLesson Twelve: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 5 (24:31)
StartLesson Thirteen: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 6 (33:51)
StartLesson Fourteen: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 7 (23:38)
StartLesson Fifteen: Math: Money: Adding Coins (54:44)
StartLesson Sixteen: Math: Money: Adding and Subtracting Currency (31:36)
StartLesson Seventeen: Math: Money: Estimating (33:53)
StartEXTRA: Teacher Giving Main Lesson for Long Division: Video Tutorial (18:47)
StartLesson Eighteen: Math: Money: Making Change (63:08)