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Waldorf Block: Third Grade Math
Third Grade Math Block (With Waldorf Teacher Mellie)
Third Grade Math: Lesson One (18:48)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Two (25:05)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Three (19:45)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Four (18:58)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Five (17:12)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Six (19:27)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Seven (15:53)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Eight (17:43)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Nine (21:48)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Ten
Third Grade Math: Lesson Eleven (21:01)
Third Grade Math: Lesson Twelve (21:14)
Third Grade Math Block (From Written Curriculum)
Written Lessons for Third Grade Math Block
Worksheets for Third Grade Math
Lesson One: Math: Measurements: History of Measurements (19:32)
Lesson Two: Math: Measurements: Bird House Measurements (13:04)
Lesson Three: Math: Measurements: House Building: Bat House (34:13)
Lesson Four: Math: Measurements: Create Your Own Measurements (17:04)
Lesson Five: Math: Geometry – Feeling Circles (14:03)
Lesson Six: Math: Grids – Volume and Space (32:17)
Lesson Seven: Math: Long Division and Multiplication (16:32)
Lesson Eight: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice (28:56)
Lesson Nine: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 2 (23:56)
Lesson Ten: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 3 (37:56)
Lesson Eleven: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 4 (24:12)
Lesson Twelve: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 5 (24:31)
Lesson Thirteen: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 6 (33:51)
Lesson Fourteen: Math: Long Division and Multiplication: Practice 7 (23:38)
Lesson Fifteen: Math: Money: Adding Coins (54:44)
Lesson Sixteen: Math: Money: Adding and Subtracting Currency (31:36)
Lesson Seventeen: Math: Money: Estimating (33:53)
EXTRA: Teacher Giving Main Lesson for Long Division: Video Tutorial (18:47)
Lesson Eighteen: Math: Money: Making Change (63:08)
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Lesson Six: Math: Grids – Volume and Space
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