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Waldorf Block: Fifth Grade North American Geography
Free First Lesson Samples (Members Ignore This Section)
Welcome and Introduction to 5th Grade for Students with Mr. Andrea (22:02)
Free First Lesson: Ancient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #1: Ahura Mazdao and Ahriman (79:47)
Free First Lesson: 5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #1 – The Four Elements (92:08)
Free First Lesson: 5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #1: Intro to Decimals (56:57)
Short Welcome and Introduction to 5th Grade for Students with Mr. Andrea (22:02)
Introduction to 5th Grade for Parents with Mr. Andrea (49:57)
Recommended Schedule for 5th Grade from Mr. Andrea
Full Year of Fifth Grade to Download (Optional)
CURRICULUM PLANNERS: Full Year of Fifth Grade to Download by the Month
GUIDE to Using Living Lessons with Printed Curriculum
Fifth Grade FAQs
Fifth Grade Reading List
IMPORTANT: Core Wet-on-Wet Watercolor Lesson to Use All Year (43:15)
NEW! Fifth Grade Planner/Block Covers for the Year
Main Opening Verse
This verse is the introduction to every fifth grade lesson
Teacher Support Materials and Tutorials
Teacher Support Materials & Tutorials (208:08)
Fifth Grade Ancient History: Mesopotamia and Persia Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Persia Block (30:24)
BLOCK PLAN FOR PARENTS: Ancient Civilizations: Persia
Ancient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #1: Ahura Mazdao and Ahriman (79:47)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #2: Animal Domestication and the Discovery of Fire (125:19)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #3: The Advent of Farming (72:47)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #4: The Birth of Zarathustra (53:08)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Persia Lesson #5 – Zarathustra’s Initiation (82:34)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #6: Convincing King Vishtaspa to Follow the Path of Light (63:36)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #7: King Vishtaspa’s Glimpse of Heaven (43:15)
Ancient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #8: The Legacy of Zarathustra (72:44)
BLOCK PLAN FOR PARENTS: Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #1: Creation Story of Mesopotamia (44:32)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #2: The Story of Marduk and Tiamat (79:27)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #3: The Rhythms of Nature and the Birth of Gilgamesh (120:07)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #4: Gilgamesh Becomes King of Uruk (84:37)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #5: The Death of Enkidu (106:27)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #6: The Plant of Life (134:42)
Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: FINAL Lesson – Block Review and Quiz Mesopotamia and Persia (21:43)
Fifth Grade Ancient History: Ancient India Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient India Block
Ancient Civilizations Block Guide for Parents
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #1 – Opening Lesson (46:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #2 – Indian Geography (41:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #3 – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (104:25)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #4 – Shiva the Yogi (94:56)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #5 – Maya, Baghira, and the River Ganges (46:03)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #6 – Indian Tridevi of Goddesses (43:12)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #7 – Durga (99:20)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #8 – Indra (46:03)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #9 – Pandu’s Misfortune (44:39)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #10: Arjuna Shoots the Bird (57:13)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #11: The Journey to Benares (43:43)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #12: Fire at Benares (46:06)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #13: Who Wins the Hand of Draupadi (47:12)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #14: The Bow Called Gandiva (41:17)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #15: The Great Battle of Kurukshetra (52:47)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #16: The Search for the Gate of Heaven (39:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #17: The Hermit and the Elephant (58:20)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #18: The Gentle Prince Siddhartha (48:44)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #19: Siddhartha Encounters Suffering (43:10)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #20: Siddhartha’s Path as a Beggar (59:38)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #21: Siddhartha’s Enlightenment (97:27)
Fifth Grade Ancient History: Ancient Egypt Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Egypt Block
GUIDE to Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #1: Nile River Geography (105:21)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #2: Osiris and Isis Bring Culture to the Egyptians (84:56)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #3: The Evil Set’s Deception (42:12)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #4: Mummification and the Birth of Horus (77:08)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #5: Journey to the Afterlife (45:07)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #6: The Great Pyramids and Sphinx (70:57)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #7: Khufu’s Initiation (77:29)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #8: Hatshepsut the Female Pharaoh (79:04)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #9: Block Wrapup and Quiz (45:20)
Fifth Grade Ancient History: Ancient Greece Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Greece Block
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #1: Orpheus and Eurydice (78:23)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #2: The Greek Pantheon (78:11)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #3: The Story of Hermes (46:26)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #4: The Story of Apollo and Artemis (46:49)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #5: The Story of Athena (45:50)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #6: The Abduction of Helen (60:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #7: The Battle of Troy (48:46)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #8: Achilles vs. Hector and the Wooden Horse (42:38)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #9: The End of Troy and Odysseus Encounters the Cyclops (45:46)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #10: Odysseus’ Trick (49:20)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #11: Journey to the Underworld (40:01)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #12: The Sirens, The Sea Monsters, and The Cows of Helios (54:43)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #13: Odysseus Returns to Ithaca (44:33)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #14: Perseus Seeks Medusa (46:59)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #15: Perseus and Andromeda (49:35)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #16: The Minotaur (49:56)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #17: Theseus Saves the Athenian Youth (47:47)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #18: Heracles and The Nemean Lion (47:41)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #19: Heracles and Beginning the Twelve Labors (42:40)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #20: The Taming of the Mares (50:33)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #21: Heracles Captures the Sun God’s Oxen (43:23)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #22 – The Conclusion of Heracles Labors and His Death (52:58)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #23 – The 3 Tribes of the Greeks and the Oracle of Delphi (46:16)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #24 – Lycurgus The Spartan Law Giver (58:00)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #25 – Cynisca The Horse Chariot Champion from Sparta (49:38)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #26 – The Oympic Games (42:45)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #27 – Pindar the Theban Poet (47:56)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #28 – An Introduction to Athens (55:14)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #29 – Solon of Athens (53:57)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #30 – The Athenian Tyrants (42:54)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #31 – Education in Athens (43:29)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #32 – Themistocles (43:54)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #33 – The Battle of Marathon (50:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #34 – The Battle of Salamis (52:59)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #35 – Pericles and the Delean League (84:32)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #36 – Aspasia (46:04)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #37 – Phidias the Sculptor (107:58)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #38 – Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus (55:33)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #39 – Socrates the Philosopher (51:55)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #40 – The Downfall of Athens and the Death of Socrates (41:52)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #41 – Philip of Macedon (48:44)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #42 – Alexander the Great Begins His Conquest (53:42)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #43 – Alexander’s Empire (48:37)
Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #44 – Block Review and Quiz (55:06)
Fifth Grade Botany Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Botany Block (8:23)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #1 – The Four Elements (92:08)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #2 – The Plant Between Sun and Earth (51:50)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #3 – The Dandelion (131:50)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #4 – Fungi (100:37)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #5 – Algae (47:59)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #6 – Lichen (95:58)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #7 – Moss (46:50)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #8 – Ferns and Horsetails (53:57)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #9 – Conifers (91:10)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #10 – Trees and Their Relationship to Earth (81:23)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #11 – Flowering Plants (78:45)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #12 – A Year in the Life of a Maple Tree (131:12)
Fifth Grade Botany Block One: Review and Quiz (27:00)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #1: Review of the Celtic Year (39:28)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part II Lesson #2 - Lower and Higher Flowering Plants (40:59)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #3 - The Blossom (47:00)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #4 - Pollen and Fruit (43:05)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #5 - Butterflies and Flowers (50:34)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #6 - The Caterpillar - Butterfly and the Soul's Journey Through Life (56:32)
5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #7 - The Tulip and Bulb Forming Plants (48:32)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #8 - Sprouts Emerging from the Seed - Mono- and Dicotyledons (46:23)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #9 - The Rose (49:35)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #10 - The Extended Rose Family (54:06)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #11 - Symbolism of the Rose (37:00)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #12 - The Cabbage Family (47:04)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #12B - Chalk Drawing of a Cistus Flower with Geometry Overlaid (31:21)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #13 - The Stinging Nettle (52:57)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #13B - Painting of a Bee and a Flower (33:13)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #14 - The Oak Tree, Part I (43:24)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #15 - The Oak Tree, Part II (46:51)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #16 - The Birch Tree (40:54)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #17 - The Coconut Palm (54:11)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #18 - Grasses and Cereals (43:14)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #19 - The Design Wisdom of Plants (48:01)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #20 - The Beehive, Part I (53:16)
5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #21 - The Beehive, Part II (45:09)
5th Grade Botany Block II Lesson #22 - The Spirit of Bees (46:30)
5th Grade Botany Block II Lesson #23 - Block Review and Quiz (48:37)
Fifth Grade Math Block: Part One: Decimals
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Math Block
Math Worksheets for all Fifth Grade Math Blocks
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #1: Intro to Decimals (56:57)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #2: Writing Decimals (56:19)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #3: Decimal Place Value (92:26)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #4: Comparing Decimals (56:35)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #5: Rounding Decimals (45:23)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #6: Money (52:49)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #7: Digital Time Clocks (55:28)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #8: Adding and Subtracting Decimals (60:12)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #9: Multiplying Decimals and Whole Numbers (56:57)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #10: Multiplying Decimals by Decimals (54:44)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #11: Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers (56:41)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #12: Dividing Decimals by Decimals (50:01)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #13: Converting Fractions into Decimals (63:14)
5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #14 - Repeating Decimals (59:56)
Decimal-Fractions Math Block Test (22:04)
Fifth Grade North American Geography Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade North American Geography
Optional Readings for Fifth Grade North American Geography (BOOKS)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #1: Geographical Terms (54:49)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #2: The Work of Water (56:39)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #3: Mountains (51:21)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #4: Plains & Prairie (44:41)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #5: Deserts (41:51)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #6: Rivers of North America (48:25)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #7: Introducing Climates (48:43)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #8: Climates of North America (52:02)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #9: Resources of North America (53:27)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #10: Introducing the Regions of North America (49:01)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #11: The Northeast (52:23)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #12: The Southeast (49:43)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #13: The Heartland-Midwest (52:03)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #14: The Southwest (82:51)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #15: The Mountain States (54:27)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #16: The Pacific Coast (52:25)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #17: Northwest North America (50:02)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #18: The North (52:19)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #19: The South, Mexico and Latin America (55:17)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #20: Latin Islands, Caribbean, and The Bahamas (107:30)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #21: Pre-Columbian High Cultures of the Americas (44:24)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #22: Regional Project (44:58)
5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #23: Block Review and Quiz (51:24)
Fifth Grade Math: Part Two: The Metric System, Area, and Perimeter
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block lesson #1: A History of Weights and Measures (54:40)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #2: The Imperial System (86:58)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #3: The Metric System of Linear Measurement (59:43)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #4: Metric Linear Conversions (79:40)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #5: Decameter and Hectometer Lesson (138:23)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #6: The Kilometer (91:06)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #7: A History of Weights (87:11)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #8: Imperial Weights (51:10)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #9: Metric Weights (55:10)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #10: Conversions with Grams, Kilograms, and Tonnes (and Word Problems) (29:38)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #11: Decagrams and Hectograms (46:30)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #12: A History of Measuring Volume (49:27)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #13: Liters, Milliliters, and Paracelsus (86:22)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #14: Centiliter, Deciliter, and Paracelsus: Part 2 (102:49)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #15: Decaliters, Hectoliters, Kiloliters, and Dr. Edward Bach (51:09)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #16: Farhenheit Temperature (77:45)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #17: Celsius Temperature (101:06)
5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #17D: Block Review and Quiz (22:32)
Fifth Grade Math: Part 3: Freehand Geometry and the Wonder of Numbers
Lesson #1: Intro and Searching for the Perfect Circle (50:23)
Lesson #2: Threefoldness (48:02)
Lesson #3: Sixfoldness (85:17)
Lesson #4: Ninefoldness (57:12)
Lesson #5: Twelvefoldness (59:09)
Lesson #6: Fourfoldness (43:54)
Lesson #7: Fivefoldness (52:18)
Lesson #7B: Painting of a Forget-Me-Not with Geometry Overlaid (35:44)
Lesson #8: Sevenfoldness (66:27)
Lesson #9: Eightfoldnes (57:50)
Lesson #10: Introducing Pythagoras and His Mystery School (54:48)
Lesson #11: Introducing the Pythagorean Theorem (45:41)
Lesson #12: Pythagoras’ Great Discovery (42:09)
Lesson #13: Carl Gauss and Introducing the Wonder of Numbers (48:52)
Lesson #14: Triangular, Square, and Rectangular Numbers (55:29)
Lesson #15: Rules of Divisibility, Part I (56:09)
Lesson #16: Rules of Divisibility, Part II (62:15)
Lesson #17: Sum and Difference Theorems, Part I (52:39)
Lesson #18: Sum and Difference Theorems, Part II (58:53)
Lesson #19: Block Review and Block Quiz (54:15)
Fifth Grade Language Block
Language Lessons
Fifth Grade Earthschooling Extra Lessons
Fourth Grade Review Lessons
Fifth Grade Extra Lessons
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BLOCK PLAN FOR PARENTS: Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia
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