Waldorf Block: Fifth Grade North American Geography
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Fifth Grade North American Geography
North American Geography Lesson #1: Geographical Terms
North American Geography Lesson #2: The Work of Water
North American Geography Lesson #3: Mountains
North American Geography Lesson #4: Plains
North American Geography Lesson #5: Deserts
North American Geography Lesson #6: Rivers of North America
North American Geography Lesson #7: Introducing Climates
North American Geography Lesson #8: Climates of North America
North American Geography Lesson #9: Resources of North America
North American Geography Lesson #10: Introducing the Regions of North America
North American Geography Lesson #11: The Northeast=
North American Geography Lesson #12: The Southeast
North American Geography Lesson #13: The Heartland – The Midwest
North American Geography Lesson #14: The Southwest
North American Geography Lesson #14B: Chalk Drawing of Anasazi House
North American Geography Lesson #15 – The Mountain States.mp4
North American Geography Lesson #16 – The Pacific Coast.mp4
North American Geography Lesson #17 – Northwest North America.mp4
North American Geography Lesson #18 – The North.mp4
North American Geography Lesson #19 – The South, Mexico and Latin America
North American Geography Lesson #20 – Latin Islands, Caribbean, and The Bahamas
North American Geography Lesson #21 – Pre-Columbian High Cultures of the Americas
North American Geography Lesson #22 – Regional Project Video
North American Geography Lesson #22 – Regional Project PDF
North American Geography Lesson #23 – Block Review and Quiz Video
North American GeographyLesson #23 – Block Quiz: 5th Grade North American Geography PDF
Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby). Scroll down to the class listings below to see the full syllabus and to view some free samples!
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Your Instructor
Nicholas Andrea now resides in the lush woodlands of northern Delaware with his family after spending the last six years teaching at the Asheville Waldorf School in North Carolina as a grades, music, and aftercare teacher. Nicholas earned his Waldorf Elementary and Music certifications at Sunbridge Institute in Spring Valley, NY. He is passionate about the Waldorf curriculum and believes in its ability to raise capable, compassionate, and creative human beings. After the birth of their son last October, Nicholas and his partner Cassie wanted more time at home with their baby which has led Nicholas to finding Earthschooling.
Nicholas is also passionate about music, speech arts, and history. Known in other circles as “The Bard,” Nicholas’s lifelong love of music has led him to a variety of instruments including world percussion, dijeridoo, flutes of various kinds, and Irish and Scottish bagpipes. He is also a published poet, and he spends his spare time plumbing the mysteries of world history in order to understand how we got where we are and where we go from here.
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome and Introduction to 5th Grade for Students with Mr. Andrea (22:02)
PreviewFree First Lesson: Ancient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #1: Ahura Mazdao and Ahriman (79:47)
PreviewFree First Lesson: 5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #1 – The Four Elements (92:08)
PreviewFree First Lesson: 5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #1: Intro to Decimals (56:57)
StartIntroduction: IMPORTANT: READ FIRST
StartShort Welcome and Introduction to 5th Grade for Students with Mr. Andrea (22:02)
StartIntroduction to 5th Grade for Parents with Mr. Andrea (49:57)
StartRecommended Schedule for 5th Grade from Mr. Andrea
StartFull Year of Fifth Grade to Download (Optional)
StartCURRICULUM PLANNERS: Full Year of Fifth Grade to Download by the Month
StartGUIDE to Using Living Lessons with Printed Curriculum
StartFifth Grade FAQs
StartFifth Grade Reading List
StartIMPORTANT: Core Wet-on-Wet Watercolor Lesson to Use All Year (43:15)
StartNEW! Fifth Grade Planner/Block Covers for the Year
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Persia Block (30:24)
StartBLOCK PLAN FOR PARENTS: Ancient Civilizations: Persia
StartAncient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #1: Ahura Mazdao and Ahriman (79:47)
StartAncient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #2: Animal Domestication and the Discovery of Fire (125:19)
StartAncient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #3: The Advent of Farming (72:47)
StartAncient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #4: The Birth of Zarathustra (53:08)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Persia Lesson #5 – Zarathustra’s Initiation (82:34)
StartAncient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #6: Convincing King Vishtaspa to Follow the Path of Light (63:36)
StartAncient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #7: King Vishtaspa’s Glimpse of Heaven (43:15)
StartAncient Civilizations: Persia Lesson #8: The Legacy of Zarathustra (72:44)
StartBLOCK PLAN FOR PARENTS: Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia
StartAncient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #1: Creation Story of Mesopotamia (44:32)
StartAncient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #2: The Story of Marduk and Tiamat (79:27)
StartAncient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #3: The Rhythms of Nature and the Birth of Gilgamesh (120:07)
StartAncient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #4: Gilgamesh Becomes King of Uruk (84:37)
StartAncient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #5: The Death of Enkidu (106:27)
StartAncient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: Lesson #6: The Plant of Life (134:42)
StartAncient Civilizations: Mesopotamia: FINAL Lesson – Block Review and Quiz Mesopotamia and Persia (21:43)
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient India Block
StartAncient Civilizations Block Guide for Parents
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #1 – Opening Lesson (46:18)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #2 – Indian Geography (41:18)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #3 – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (104:25)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #4 – Shiva the Yogi (94:56)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #5 – Maya, Baghira, and the River Ganges (46:03)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #6 – Indian Tridevi of Goddesses (43:12)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #7 – Durga (99:20)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #8 – Indra (46:03)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #9 – Pandu’s Misfortune (44:39)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #10: Arjuna Shoots the Bird (57:13)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #11: The Journey to Benares (43:43)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #12: Fire at Benares (46:06)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #13: Who Wins the Hand of Draupadi (47:12)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #14: The Bow Called Gandiva (41:17)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #15: The Great Battle of Kurukshetra (52:47)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #16: The Search for the Gate of Heaven (39:18)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #17: The Hermit and the Elephant (58:20)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #18: The Gentle Prince Siddhartha (48:44)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #19: Siddhartha Encounters Suffering (43:10)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #20: Siddhartha’s Path as a Beggar (59:38)
StartAncient Civilizations: Lesson #21: Siddhartha’s Enlightenment (97:27)
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Egypt Block
StartGUIDE to Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #1: Nile River Geography (105:21)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #2: Osiris and Isis Bring Culture to the Egyptians (84:56)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #3: The Evil Set’s Deception (42:12)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #4: Mummification and the Birth of Horus (77:08)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #5: Journey to the Afterlife (45:07)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #6: The Great Pyramids and Sphinx (70:57)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #7: Khufu’s Initiation (77:29)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #8: Hatshepsut the Female Pharaoh (79:04)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt: Lesson #9: Block Wrapup and Quiz (45:20)
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient Greece Block
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #1: Orpheus and Eurydice (78:23)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #2: The Greek Pantheon (78:11)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #3: The Story of Hermes (46:26)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #4: The Story of Apollo and Artemis (46:49)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #5: The Story of Athena (45:50)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #6: The Abduction of Helen (60:18)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #7: The Battle of Troy (48:46)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #8: Achilles vs. Hector and the Wooden Horse (42:38)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #9: The End of Troy and Odysseus Encounters the Cyclops (45:46)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #10: Odysseus’ Trick (49:20)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #11: Journey to the Underworld (40:01)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #12: The Sirens, The Sea Monsters, and The Cows of Helios (54:43)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #13: Odysseus Returns to Ithaca (44:33)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #14: Perseus Seeks Medusa (46:59)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #15: Perseus and Andromeda (49:35)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #16: The Minotaur (49:56)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #17: Theseus Saves the Athenian Youth (47:47)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #18: Heracles and The Nemean Lion (47:41)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #19: Heracles and Beginning the Twelve Labors (42:40)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #20: The Taming of the Mares (50:33)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #21: Heracles Captures the Sun God’s Oxen (43:23)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #22 – The Conclusion of Heracles Labors and His Death (52:58)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #23 – The 3 Tribes of the Greeks and the Oracle of Delphi (46:16)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #24 – Lycurgus The Spartan Law Giver (58:00)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #25 – Cynisca The Horse Chariot Champion from Sparta (49:38)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #26 – The Oympic Games (42:45)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #27 – Pindar the Theban Poet (47:56)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #28 – An Introduction to Athens (55:14)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #29 – Solon of Athens (53:57)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #30 – The Athenian Tyrants (42:54)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #31 – Education in Athens (43:29)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #32 – Themistocles (43:54)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #33 – The Battle of Marathon (50:18)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #34 – The Battle of Salamis (52:59)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #35 – Pericles and the Delean League (84:32)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #36 – Aspasia (46:04)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #37 – Phidias the Sculptor (107:58)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #38 – Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus (55:33)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #39 – Socrates the Philosopher (51:55)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #40 – The Downfall of Athens and the Death of Socrates (41:52)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #41 – Philip of Macedon (48:44)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #42 – Alexander the Great Begins His Conquest (53:42)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #43 – Alexander’s Empire (48:37)
StartAncient Civilizations: Ancient Greece: Lesson #44 – Block Review and Quiz (55:06)
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade Botany Block (8:23)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #1 – The Four Elements (92:08)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #2 – The Plant Between Sun and Earth (51:50)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #3 – The Dandelion (131:50)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #4 – Fungi (100:37)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #5 – Algae (47:59)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #6 – Lichen (95:58)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #7 – Moss (46:50)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #8 – Ferns and Horsetails (53:57)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #9 – Conifers (91:10)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #10 – Trees and Their Relationship to Earth (81:23)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #11 – Flowering Plants (78:45)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #12 – A Year in the Life of a Maple Tree (131:12)
StartFifth Grade Botany Block One: Review and Quiz (27:00)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #1: Review of the Celtic Year (39:28)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part II Lesson #2 - Lower and Higher Flowering Plants (40:59)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #3 - The Blossom (47:00)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #4 - Pollen and Fruit (43:05)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #5 - Butterflies and Flowers (50:34)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #6 - The Caterpillar - Butterfly and the Soul's Journey Through Life (56:32)
Start5th Grade Botany Block: Part II: Lesson #7 - The Tulip and Bulb Forming Plants (48:32)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #8 - Sprouts Emerging from the Seed - Mono- and Dicotyledons (46:23)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #9 - The Rose (49:35)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #10 - The Extended Rose Family (54:06)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #11 - Symbolism of the Rose (37:00)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #12 - The Cabbage Family (47:04)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #12B - Chalk Drawing of a Cistus Flower with Geometry Overlaid (31:21)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #13 - The Stinging Nettle (52:57)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #13B - Painting of a Bee and a Flower (33:13)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #14 - The Oak Tree, Part I (43:24)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #15 - The Oak Tree, Part II (46:51)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #16 - The Birch Tree (40:54)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #17 - The Coconut Palm (54:11)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #18 - Grasses and Cereals (43:14)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #19 - The Design Wisdom of Plants (48:01)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #20 - The Beehive, Part I (53:16)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II: Lesson #21 - The Beehive, Part II (45:09)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II Lesson #22 - The Spirit of Bees (46:30)
Start5th Grade Botany Block II Lesson #23 - Block Review and Quiz (48:37)
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade Math Block
StartMath Worksheets for all Fifth Grade Math Blocks
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #1: Intro to Decimals (56:57)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #2: Writing Decimals (56:19)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #3: Decimal Place Value (92:26)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #4: Comparing Decimals (56:35)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #5: Rounding Decimals (45:23)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #6: Money (52:49)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #7: Digital Time Clocks (55:28)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #8: Adding and Subtracting Decimals (60:12)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #9: Multiplying Decimals and Whole Numbers (56:57)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #10: Multiplying Decimals by Decimals (54:44)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #11: Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers (56:41)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #12: Dividing Decimals by Decimals (50:01)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #13: Converting Fractions into Decimals (63:14)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #14 - Repeating Decimals (59:56)
StartDecimal-Fractions Math Block Test (22:04)
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade North American Geography
StartOptional Readings for Fifth Grade North American Geography (BOOKS)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #1: Geographical Terms (54:49)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #2: The Work of Water (56:39)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #3: Mountains (51:21)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #4: Plains & Prairie (44:41)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #5: Deserts (41:51)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #6: Rivers of North America (48:25)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #7: Introducing Climates (48:43)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #8: Climates of North America (52:02)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #9: Resources of North America (53:27)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #10: Introducing the Regions of North America (49:01)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #11: The Northeast (52:23)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #12: The Southeast (49:43)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #13: The Heartland-Midwest (52:03)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #14: The Southwest (82:51)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #15: The Mountain States (54:27)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #16: The Pacific Coast (52:25)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #17: Northwest North America (50:02)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #18: The North (52:19)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #19: The South, Mexico and Latin America (55:17)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #20: Latin Islands, Caribbean, and The Bahamas (107:30)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #21: Pre-Columbian High Cultures of the Americas (44:24)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #22: Regional Project (44:58)
Start5th Grade North American Geography Lesson #23: Block Review and Quiz (51:24)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block lesson #1: A History of Weights and Measures (54:40)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #2: The Imperial System (86:58)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #3: The Metric System of Linear Measurement (59:43)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #4: Metric Linear Conversions (79:40)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #5: Decameter and Hectometer Lesson (138:23)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #6: The Kilometer (91:06)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #7: A History of Weights (87:11)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #8: Imperial Weights (51:10)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #9: Metric Weights (55:10)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #10: Conversions with Grams, Kilograms, and Tonnes (and Word Problems) (29:38)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #11: Decagrams and Hectograms (46:30)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #12: A History of Measuring Volume (49:27)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #13: Liters, Milliliters, and Paracelsus (86:22)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #14: Centiliter, Deciliter, and Paracelsus: Part 2 (102:49)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #15: Decaliters, Hectoliters, Kiloliters, and Dr. Edward Bach (51:09)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #16: Farhenheit Temperature (77:45)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #17: Celsius Temperature (101:06)
Start5th Grade Metric Weights and Measurements Block Lesson #17D: Block Review and Quiz (22:32)
StartLesson #1: Intro and Searching for the Perfect Circle (50:23)
StartLesson #2: Threefoldness (48:02)
StartLesson #3: Sixfoldness (85:17)
StartLesson #4: Ninefoldness (57:12)
StartLesson #5: Twelvefoldness (59:09)
StartLesson #6: Fourfoldness (43:54)
StartLesson #7: Fivefoldness (52:18)
StartLesson #7B: Painting of a Forget-Me-Not with Geometry Overlaid (35:44)
StartLesson #8: Sevenfoldness (66:27)
StartLesson #9: Eightfoldnes (57:50)
StartLesson #10: Introducing Pythagoras and His Mystery School (54:48)
StartLesson #11: Introducing the Pythagorean Theorem (45:41)
StartLesson #12: Pythagoras’ Great Discovery (42:09)
StartLesson #13: Carl Gauss and Introducing the Wonder of Numbers (48:52)
StartLesson #14: Triangular, Square, and Rectangular Numbers (55:29)
StartLesson #15: Rules of Divisibility, Part I (56:09)
StartLesson #16: Rules of Divisibility, Part II (62:15)
StartLesson #17: Sum and Difference Theorems, Part I (52:39)
StartLesson #18: Sum and Difference Theorems, Part II (58:53)
StartLesson #19: Block Review and Block Quiz (54:15)