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High School: Earthschooling Tenth Grade
Class Syllabus: Curriculum Guide, Schedule, Credit Hours
Class Preview: Maho-No-Katana Sound Physics: Main Lesson
Class Preview: Age of Enlightenment: History and Literature: INTRODUCTION
Class Preview: Advanced Watercolor Painting: Lecture One (9:19)
Class Preview: Pre-Trig: Lesson One (91:40)
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HISTORY: GOVERNMENT: The Greeks and Civics Block
(Ongoing Weekly) The Greeks and Civics: Introduction
(2D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture One
(1W) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Two
(7D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Three
(5D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Four
(5D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Five
(5D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Six
(5D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Seven
(3D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Eight
(5D) The Greeks and Civics: Lecture Nine
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(8W) G10 US History & Civics Part 1 of 4
(1W) G10 US History & Civics: Part 2 of 4
(19W) G10 US History & Civics Part 3 of 4
(6W) G10 US History & Civics: Part 4 of 4
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HISTORY: Age of Enlightenment
Age of Enlightenment: History and Literature: INTRODUCTION
(6W) Oh For Enlightenment: Class 10: 17th and 18th Century History: Main Lesson
Age of Enlightenment History 1: Francis Bacon
Age of Enlightenment History 2: Voltaire
The Age of Enlightenment History 3: Frederick the Great
The Age of Enlightenment History 4: Moliere
The Age of Enlightenment History 5: Bach
The Age of Enlightenment History 6: Marat
The Age of Enlightenment History 7: Talleyrand
The Age of Enlightenment History 8: Louis the XIV
The Age of Enlightenment History 9: Cardinal Richlieu
The Age of Enlightenment History 10: Samuel Pepy's Diaries
The Age of Enlightenment History 11: Commerce
The Age of Enlightenment History 12: Industry
The Age of Enlightenment History 13: Communications
The Age of Enlightenment History 14: Food Production
(6W) Age of Enlightenment in Literature
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 1: John Milton
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 2: Bill of Rights
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 3: Cervantes
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 4: The Princess of Cleves
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 5: Pilgrims Progress
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 6: Robinson Crusoe
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 7: Tom Jones
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 8: Casanova
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 9: Candide
The Age of Enlightenment Literature 10: Gulliver's Travels
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HISTORY: World History 1919 to 1945
(6W) American History 1915 - 1945
(6W) Australian History 1919-1945: Main Lesson
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MATH: Geometry
(1D) Math Block: Lecture One
(3D) Math Block: Lecture Two
(5D) Math Block: Lecture Three
(3D) Math Block: Lecture Four
(2D) Math Block: Lecture Five
(10D) Math Block: Lecture Six
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MATH: Pre-Trigonometry
Pre-Trig: Introduction
Pre-Trig: Lesson One (91:40)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Two (87:40)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Three (117:54)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Four (82:52)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Five (82:20)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Six (91:16)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Seven (105:34)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Eight (99:38)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Nine (112:34)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Ten (80:46)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Eleven (94:10)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Twelve (101:22)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Thirteen (84:40)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Fourteen (106:34)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Fifteen (95:46)
Pre-Trig: Lesson Sixteen (88:22)
MATH: Practical Trigonometry
(12W) 10th Grade Trigonometry Main Lesson
Charts You Need for Trigonometry
27 Worksheets for the Main Lesson
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LANGUAGE: Linguistics and Literature Block: Iliad and Odyssey
(24W) The Iliad
(24W) The Odyssey
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LANGUAGE: Seven World Literatures
(6W) Part One: Star Dancers: Literature of the Hebrews: A Guide to Reading the Kabbala
(6W) Part Two: 1200-Megawatt: Roc’s Egg: Literature of the Arabs: A Guide to Reading Khalil Gibran, Omar Khayyam, The Koran, and Arabian Nights
(6W) Part Three: Logos of the Love Heroes: Literature of the Ural-Altaic: A Guide to Reading the Kalevala
(6W) Part Four: On the Point of the Pyramid: Literature of the Akkadians: A Guide to Reading Gilgamesh and The New Testament
(6W) Part Five: Mountain Man in Pinstripe: Literature of the Mongols: Guide to Reading the Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu
(6W) Part Six: The Tree of Word: Literature of the Indias: A Guide to Reading the Rig Veda
(6W) Part Seven: Black Lips, Red Hair, White Skin: Literature of the Celts: A Guide to Reading The Knights of the Round Table
(6W) Part Eight (OPTIONAL): Chuck and Cherry Blossom, A Love Story: Class 10 – Asian Literature
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LANGUAGE: Class 10 Film, Radio, and Television Main Lesson
(6W) Film, Radio, and Television Main Lesson
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LANGUAGE: Public Speaking
(6W) Unaccustomed as I Am: Class 10 Public Speaking Main Lesson
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(3W) Sociology: A Thing of Beauty: Main Lesson
(3W) Legal Studies: Law and the Conch of Life: Middle Lesson
(3W) The Tangible Aura: Fashion: Middle Lesson
(3W) Geography Perspectives Around the World
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SCIENCE: Physics: Sound and Light
(6W) Maho-No-Katana Sound Physics: Main Lesson
(6W) Light Through a Glass Darkly: Light Physics
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SCIENCE: Chemistry: Nutritional
INTRODUCTION: Twelve-Room Tabernacle: Nutritional Chemistry
(12W) Nutritional Well Being
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SCIENCE: Embryology
Embryology: Introduction (18:55)
(9W) Embryology:Part One
(7W) Embryology: Part Two
(6W) Embryology: Sex Education (Please Consult with Parent Before Completing this Unit)
(9W) Embryology: Louis Bolk Book
Embryology: Reference Book Only
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SCIENCE: Iron Working
(2D) Iron Working: Lesson One (6:48)
(2D) Iron Working: Lesson Two (9:29)
(2D) Iron Working: Lesson Three (7:09)
(2D) Iron Working: Lesson Four (6:50)
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SCIENCE: Climatology & Sustainable Eco-Systems
Climatology: Living Lessons (65:50)
Alan Whitehead: The Atmosphere
(2D) Lecture One: Introduction to Climatology
(3D) Lecture Two: Climatology Video (56:31)
(2W) Lecture Three: Climatology Workbook Sample
(1W) Lecture Four: Climatology Online
Lecture Five: A Climatology Watercolor (32:20)
(Multiple Weeks) Climatology: Assignments
(1W) Climatology: Final Assignment
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SCIENCE: Physiology: Human Anatomy
(1W) Flex Those Muscles: Introduction to Human Physiology
(2W) Anatomy Review
(6W) 10th Grade Anatomy Lesson
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SCIENCE: Biology: Marine Biology
(6W) Death of the Rainbow Serpent: Marine Biology
Marine Biology Text Book
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ART: HANDWORK: Woodworking
(3D) Woodworking: Lesson One
(5D) Woodworking: Lesson Two (11:50)
(5D) Woodworking: Lesson Three (5:30)
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HANDWORK: ART: Book Binding
(5D) Book Binding: Lesson One (11:33)
(5D) Book Binding: Lesson Two (11:17)
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ART: Photography Class
(3W) Photography Lecture One: Three Parts (108:42)
(1W) Photography Class: Lecture Two (85:39)
(1W) Photography Class Lecture Three: Wildlife Photography Part One (61:26)
(1W) Photography Lecture Four: Wildlife Photography Part Two (52:58)
(1W) Photography Lecture Five: Action Photography (72:15)
(1W) Photography Lecture Six: Portraits (39:04)
(1W) Photography Lecture Seven: Close Up and Macro (44:15)
(1W) Photography Lecture Eight: Abstract and Art Photography (24:16)
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ART: Advanced Painting
(3D) Advanced Watercolor Painting: Lecture One (9:19)
(3D) Advanced Watercolor Painting: Lecture Two (11:20)
(3D) Advanced Watercolor Painting: Lecture Three (14:45)
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MOVEMENT: ART: Eurythmy Lessons
(1W) Eurythmy in Tenth Grade: Introduction
(1D) Eurythmy: Moving in Etheric Space: Introduction
(3w) Eurythmy: Moving in Etheric Space: Lessons (6:20)
(1D) Eurythmy: Rods and Rod Tossing: Introduction
(3W) Eurythmy: Rods and Rod Tossing: Lesson (10:36)
(1D) Eurythmy: Seven Fold Rod Exercises: Introduction
(3W) Eurythmy: Seven Fold Rod Exercises: Lessons (3:58)
(1D) Eurythmy: Moving in Straight Lines and Crosses: Introduction
(3W) Eurythmy: Moving in Straight Lines and Crosses: Lessons
(1D) Eurythmy: Threefold Walking: Introduction
(3W) Eurythmy: Threefold Walking: Lessons (5:27)
(1D) Eurythmy: Variations on Threefold Waling: Introduction
(3W) Eurythmy: Variations on Threefold Walking: Lessons (3:34)
(1D) Eurythmy: Twelvefold Rod Exercises: Introduction
(3W) Eurythmy: Twelvefold Rod Exercises: Lessons (4:25)
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MUSIC: Voice Lessons for the Tenth Grader
(1D) Lecture One: Introduction (10:09)
(1W) Lecture Two: Reasons to Train Your Voice (13:49)
(1W) Lecture Three: Misconceptions About the Voice (5:12)
(1W) Lecture Four: The Voice as an Instrument (13:38)
(1W) Lecture Five: Voice Posture (23:06)
(1W) Lecture Six: Breath Work (14:54)
(1W) Lecture Seven: Pitch Matching (37:08)
(1W) Lecture Eight: Voice Registers (9:53)
(1W) Lecture Nine: The Chest Voice (9:12)
(1W) Lecture Ten: The Head Voice (15:18)
(1W) Lecture Eleven: Exercises: Set 1 (40:22)
(1W) Lecture Twelve: Exercises: Set 2 (25:34)
(1W) Lesson Thirteen: Exercises: Set 3 (29:58)
(1W) Lesson Fourteen: Songs to Sing (29:12)
(1W) Lecture Fifteen: Vocal Hygiene (18:20)
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MATH & SCIENCE: Astronomy in Navigation
(6W) The Earth is the Center of the Universe: 10th Grade Math and Astronomy in Navigation
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MATH & SOCIAL SCIENCES: Math in Economics
(6W) Of Sunny Skies and Storms: Class 10 Economics Main Lesson
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(6W) Dragon in Chains: Math in Surveying: Main Lesson
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(6W) Minotaur to Materialism: Computer Math
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(6W) 10th Grade Anatomy Lesson
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