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High School: Earthschooling Eleventh Grade
Free Preview of Earthschooling Waldorf Eleventh Grade (Members Ignore this Section)
Curriculum Guide, Schedule, Credit Hours
Class Preview: Advanced Botany: Introduction
Class Preview: Assignments & Guide to Veterinary Science
Course Preview: Algae: Video Lesson (47:59)
Course Preview: Wheels of Fire: The First of the Last Projective Geometry: Main Lesson
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START HERE: Curriculum Guide, Schedule, Credit Hours
SCIENCE: Advanced Botany
(5D) Advanced Botany: Introduction
(2D) Advanced Botany: Lecture One (66:54)
(5D) Advanced Botany: Lecture Three
(3D) Advanced Botany: Lecture Four
(5D) Advanced Botany: Lecture Five
(6D) Advanced Botany: Lecture Six
(4D) Advanced Botany: Lecture Seven
(3W) Advanced Botany: Lecture Eight
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SCIENCE: The Sea (34 to 40 Days)
A Spirutual Science: The Ark of Life: Hydrosphere: Middle Lesson (4D)
Schwenke’s A Sensitive Chaos Book (2W)
The Ocean and Its Wonders (16D)
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ART: Dulcimer Making
Introduction to Dulcimer Making
Making the Dulcimer (0:39)
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LITERATURE: European Literature
I Am: Because I Write, Speak & Read: Apollos and Apollyon: 19th Century European Literature
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SCIENCE: Advanced Chemistry
A Spiritual Science: The Philosopher's Stone - The Angel of Air: Organic Chemistry: Main Lesson
Age of the Pale Horse: The Crucible Renewed: Industrial Chemistry
An Introduction to Chemical Science (6-10 Weeks)
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SCIENCE: Advanced Physics
Introduction and Course Assignments
Ancient and Modern Physics
Age of the Pale Horse: The Deed of Prometheus Heat Physics Main Lesson
Theory of Heat Radiation
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SCIENCE: Health Care
Instructions and Assignments for Science of Health Care
The Story of San Michele
Origins of the Red Cross
Tree of Time: Pick Up Thy Bed and Walk: 11th Grade Health Care Lesson
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SCIENCE: Maritime Science
Assignments and Guide for Maritime Science
Age of the Pale Horse: Juan Sebastian Who? Maritime Science
Ships and Ways of Other Days
Book of the Ocean
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SCIENCE: Veterinary Science
Assignments & Guide to Veterinary Science
Age of the Pale Horse: A Covenant of Compassion: Veterinary Science
The Veterinarian of the 1900s
Introduction to Wildlife Husbandry & Education
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 1 (19:15)
Animal Husbandry & Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 2 (22:32)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 3 (14:24)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 4 (28:15)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 5 (30:56)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 6 (13:01)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 7 (11:54)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 8 (5:52)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 9 (5:28)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 10 (3:22)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 11 (23:23)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 12 (11:28)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 13 (5:02)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Lecture 14 (1:19)
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: EXAM
Animal Husbandry and Wildlife Education Course: Assignments
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SCIENCE: Regional Geography
Assignments & Guide for Regional Geography
Age of the Pale Horse: Fascination, Love, and Obsession: Regional Geography Lesson
The Frozen North: The North Pole
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SCIENCE: Microbiology
Introduction and Assignments for Microbiology
Age of the Pale Horse: Life Behind the Scenes: Microbiology Main Lesson
History of the Microscope
Algae: Video Lesson (47:59)
Moss: Video Lesson (93:40)
Lichen: Video Lesson (141:57)
Ferns: Video Lesson (53:57)
Conifers: Video Lesson (107:29)
The History of Biology
The History and Life of Bacteria
A Journal of the Plague Year
Pasteur and Lister
Animal Parasites of Man & Protists
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MATH: In Aviation
Wheels of Fire: My Name is Alpha Lima Alpha November Maths in Aviation: Middle Lesson
Math in Aviation 1: Elementary Air Principles
Math in Aviation 2: Elementary Air Principles: Part II
Math in Aviation 3: Test Flight
Math in Aviation 4: Cross Country Flight
Math in Aviation 5: Principles of Flight
Math in Aviation 6: Stability and Control
Math in Aviation 7: Rigging
Math in Aviation 8: The Propeller
Math in Aviation 9: The Shape of Planes
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MATH: Projective Geometry
Wheels of Fire: The First of the Last Projective Geometry: Main Lesson
Projective Geometry 1: One to one Correspondence
Projective Geometry 2: Correspondence to Each Other
Projective Geometry 3: Combination of Two Related Forms
Projective Geometry 4: Point Rows of the Second Order
Projective Geometry 5: Pencil Rays of the Second Order
Projective Geometry 6: Poles and Polars
Projective Geometry 7: Metrical Properties of Conic Sections
Projective Geometry 8: Involution
Projective Geometry 9: Metrical Properties of Involutions
Projective Geometry 10: History of Projective Geometry
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HISTORY: Renaissance through the Enlightenment
Renaissance History Main Lesson: Introduction
Renaissance 1: Learned Women of the Renaissance
Renaissance 2: Guttenburg and Printing
Renaissance 3: Playing Cards & Art
Renaissance 4: Glass Painting
Renaissance 5: Lorenzo De Medici
Renaissance 6: History and Philosophy - The Renaissance Person
Renaissance 7: The Men of the Renaissance
Renaissance 8: Travel for Culture
Renaissance 9: The Way of Perfection
Renaissance 10: Humanism
Renaissance 11: Anatomy of the Human
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LITERATURE: English Romantic Poetry
I Am: Because I Write, Speak & Read: My Fair Teenagers: Speech & Poetry
English Romantic Poetry 1: The Age of Romanticism
English Romantic Poetry 2: Hartley Coleridge
English Romantic Poetry 3: Letitia Elizabeth Landon
English Romantic Poetry 4: Leigh Hunt
English Romantic Poetry 5: John Keats
English Romantic Poetry 6: Percy Bysshe Shelley
English Romantic Poetry 7: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
English Romantic Poetry 8: William Woodsworth
English Romantic Poetry 9: Lord Byron
English Romantic Poetry 10: Robert Burns
English Romantic Poetry 11: William Blake
English Romantic Poetry 12: Charlotte Richardson
English Romantic Poetry 13: Dorothy Wordsworth
English Romantic Poetry 14: Anna Laetitia Barbauld
English Romantic Poetry 15: Mary Robinson
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MATH: In Mechanics
Wheels of Fire: May the Forces Be With You Math in Mechanics: Main Lesson
Math in Mechanics 1: The Abstract Nature of Mathematics
Math in Mechanics 2: Variables
Math in Mechanics 3: Methods of Application
Math in Mechanics 4: Dynamics
Math in Mechanics 5: The Symbolism of Mathematics
Math in Mechanics 6: Generalizations of Numbers
Math in Mechanics 7: Imaginary Numbers
Math in Mechanics 8: Imaginary Numbers: Part 2
Math in Mechanics 9: Coordinate Geometry
Math in Mechanics 10: Conic Sections
Math in Mechanics 11: Functions
Math in Mechanics 12: Periodicity in Nature
Math in Mechanics 13: Trigonometry
Math in Mechanics 14: Series
Math in Mechanics 15: Differential Calculus
Math in Mechanics 16: Geometry
Math in Mechanics 17: Quantity
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MUSIC: Philosophy of Music
Music Theory 1: Horns of Hermes: Insight Behind the Notes (15 Weeks)
Music Theory 2: Rhythm
Music Theory 3: Theory of Scales: Major
Music Theory 4: Theory of Scales: Minor
Music Theory 5: Intervals and Introduction to Chord Building
Music Theory 6: Inversion of Intervals
Music Theory 7: Chord Construction
Music Theory 8: Inversion of Triads & The Seventh Chord
Music Theory 9: Inversion of The Seventh Chord
Music Theory 10: Epitomized Acoustics
Music Theory 11: Ear Training
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LITERATURE: American Literature
I Am: Because I Write, Speak & Read: All Men are Created Equal: American Literature
American Literature Introduction to Last of the Mohicans
American Literature 1: The Last of the Mohicans BOOK
American Literature Introduction to The Scarlett Letter
American Literature 2: The Scarlett Letter BOOK
American Literature Introduction to The Call of the Wild
American Literature 3: The Call of the Wild BOOK
American Literature Introduction to Three Stories and Ten Poems
American Literature 4: Three Stories and Ten Poems BOOK
American Literature Introduction to Twelve Years a Slave
American Literature 5: Twelve Years a Slave BOOK
American Literature Introduction to The Wizard of Oz
American Literature 6: The Wizard of Oz BOOK
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LITERATURE: World Literature
I Am: Because I Write, Speak & Read: A Cradle of Fire: Logos of the Iranians
Gilgamesh: The Original Book
Gilgamesh: Summary and Study Guide
Gilgamesh: The Full Book
Gilgamesh: Final Questions
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HISTORY: World History Main Lesson
Tree of Time: The Queen is Dead: 19th Century World History
World History 1: Child Labor in the 19th Century
World History 2: The Legacy of Napoleon
World History 3: The Russian Serfs
World History 4: Victoria Age Magic
World History 5: Victoria Age Language
World History 6: Victoria Age Children's Books
World History 7: Victorian Age Scientific Thought
World History 8: Victorian Age Spiritualism
World History 9: Victorian Age Mental Health Care
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MATH: Real Life Skills
Wheels of Fire: Our Angel the Auditor Accountancy: Main Lesson
Tree of Time: 11th Grade Marketing Lesson
Real Life Math Skills 1: Money Around the World
Real Life Math Skills 2: Profit and Loss
Real Life Math Skills 3: Commissions
Real Life Math Skills 4: Trade
Real Life Math Skills 5: Promissary Notes
Real Life Math Skills 6: Banks
Real Life Math Skills 7: Interest
Real Life Math Skills 8: Principles of Exchange
Real Life Math Skills 9: Stocks and Bonds
Real Life Math Skills 10: Taxes and Taxation
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HISTORY: Modern History Main Lesson
Tree of Time: How Do I Know? I Was There! 1946 to Class Birth Year: Australian History
Tree of Time: A Tribute to My Own Teachers: A Brief History of my Own Adulthood
Modern History: Introduction
Modern History 1: Pre-Modern History Science
Modern History 2: The Cold War (17:43)
Modern History 3: The Korean War
Modern History 4: The Space Race (28:25)
Modern History 5: The Cuban Missile Crisis
Modern History 6: The Civil Rights Act
Modern History 7: The Vietnam War
Modern History 8: The Gulf War
Modern History 9: September 11
Modern History 10: The Internet and Social Media
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MUSIC: Musicals and Theater
I Am: Because I Write, Speak & Read: Community, Culture, Creativity: Australian Theatre
The Duchess’ Bath: Colin Price
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SOCIAL STUDIES: Service Lesson
Tree of Time: “Ye Sons of Freedom, Wake to Glory” - International Service Lesson
Course is Pending Additional Text Upload
Eurythmy for 11th Graders
Introduction to Eurythmy for 11th Graders
Eurythmy: Block One: Moving in a Geometric Shape (5:56)
Eurythmy: Block Two: Moving in Etheric Space (6:20)
Eurythmy Block Three: Moving in Straight Lines (5:08)
Eurythmy Block Four: Moving in Straight Lines and Curves (5:47)
Eurythmy Block Five: Rods and Rod Tossing (10:36)
Eurythmy Block Six: Seven Fold Rod Exercises (3:58)
Eurythmy Block Seven: Threefold Walking (10:54)
Eurythmy Block Eight: Twelve Fold Rod Exercises (8:50)
Eurythmy Block Nine: Variations on Threefold Walking (7:08)
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English Romantic Poetry 10: Robert Burns
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