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Waldorf Block: Fifth Grade Ancient India
Free First Lesson Samples (Members Ignore This Section)
Welcome and Introduction to 5th Grade for Students with Mr. Andrea (22:02)
Free First Lesson: Ancient Civilizations: Persia: Lesson #1: Ahura Mazdao and Ahriman (79:47)
Free First Lesson: 5th Grade Botany Block: Part 1: Lesson #1 – The Four Elements (92:08)
Free First Lesson: 5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #1: Intro to Decimals (56:57)
Main Opening Verse
This verse is the introduction to every fifth grade lesson
Fifth Grade Ancient History: Ancient India Block
Written Lessons for Fifth Grade Ancient India Block
Ancient Civilizations Block Guide for Parents
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #1 – Opening Lesson (46:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #2 – Indian Geography (41:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #3 – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (104:25)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #4 – Shiva the Yogi (94:56)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #5 – Maya, Baghira, and the River Ganges (46:03)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #6 – Indian Tridevi of Goddesses (43:12)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #7 – Durga (99:20)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #8 – Indra (46:03)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #9 – Pandu’s Misfortune (44:39)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #10: Arjuna Shoots the Bird (57:13)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #11: The Journey to Benares (43:43)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #12: Fire at Benares (46:06)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #13: Who Wins the Hand of Draupadi (47:12)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #14: The Bow Called Gandiva (41:17)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #15: The Great Battle of Kurukshetra (52:47)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #16: The Search for the Gate of Heaven (39:18)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #17: The Hermit and the Elephant (58:20)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #18: The Gentle Prince Siddhartha (48:44)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #19: Siddhartha Encounters Suffering (43:10)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #20: Siddhartha’s Path as a Beggar (59:38)
Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #21: Siddhartha’s Enlightenment (97:27)
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Ancient Civilizations: Lesson #6 – Indian Tridevi of Goddesses
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