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Waldorf Block: Second Grade Saints
FIRST LESSON FREE (Members Ignore This Section)
Introduction from Your Teacher Mellie Lonneman (16:58)
FREE FIRST LESSON: Fables with Teacher Mellie: The Fox and the Crow (40:12)
FREE LESSON: Hero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Rachel Carson (41:27)
FREE Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 13: The Letter ‘m’ & Memory Mountain (9:58)
FREE Form Drawing with Teacher Simone: Form Drawing and Gnomes (10:02)
Second Grade Saints Block (Secular and Multi-Cultural)
Written Lessons for Second Grade Saints Block
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 1: Saint George (43:37)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 2: Saint Martin (40:58)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 3: Saints: Saint Elizabeth (39:56)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 4: Saint Lucia (56:18)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 5: Saint Nicholas (45:42)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Rabia al Basri (40:59)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 7: Jerome and the Lion (47:58)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 8: Saint Francis (44:36)
Saints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 9: Rabbi Akiva (40:16)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson A: (St.) Werburga and the Geese (18:21)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson B: Amu Nowruz and Santa Claus (23:18)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson C: (St.) Martin and a New Lesson Book (19:22)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson D: Anthony and the Fishes (30:07)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson E: (St.) Kevin and the Cow (17:28)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson F: (St.) Martin and a New Lesson Book (31:48)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson G: Saint Lucia (17:41)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson H: Saint Nicholas and the Flute (16:18)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson I: Saint Nicholas and the Red Wagon (14:40)
Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson J: Saint Nicholas and the Coat (13:32)
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Saint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson H: Saint Nicholas and the Flute
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