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Waldorf Block: Sixth Grade Geology
Main Opening Verse
Every 6th grade lesson will start with this verse
Welcome to 6th Grade with Mr. Andrea! (42:02)
GUIDE to Using Living Lessons with Printed Curriculum
Sixth Grade Reading List
Sixth Grade Geology & Mineralogy Block
Written Lessons for the Sixth Grade Geology and Mineralogy Block
Geology Lesson #1: Intro to Geology and Earth Stewardship (52:42)
Geology Lesson #2: Mountains as the Children of the Earth (54:27)
Geology Lesson #3: Young and Old Mountains (51:06)
Geology Lesson #4: The Oldest Rock on Earth (40:00)
Geology Lesson #5: Granite and Basalt (40:40)
Geology Lesson #6: Basalt and the Giants Causeway (35:53)
Geology Lesson #7: Layers of the Earth (48:28)
Geology Lesson #8: Volcanoes (77:13)
Geology Lesson #9: Pompei (85:44)
Geology Lesson #10: Earthquakes (43:22)
Geology Lesson #11: Origins of Limestone (48:11)
Geology Lesson #12: Limestone and Marble (40:45)
Geology Lesson #13: Coal (45:47)
Geology Lesson #14: The Work of Water (74:41)
Geology Lesson #15: The Circulation of Water (84:59)
Geology Lesson #16: The Work of Wind (82:02)
Geology Lesson #17: Glaciers (46:20)
Geology Lesson #18: Geysers (63:45)
Geology Lesson #19: Biography of the Grand Canyon (133:20)
Geology Lesson #20: Reviewing a Block plus Geology Block Quiz (43:46)
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Geology Lesson #5: Granite and Basalt
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