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Avicenna Institute: Unani Tibb Diploma Course
Introduction to Unani Tibb Diploma Course
Introduction to the Courses
Supplemental Texts for Courses
101: History of Greek, Arab and Roman Medicine
Introduction to the Course
Course Texts for Greek, Arab and Roman Medicine
Handouts for Greek, Arab, Roman Medicine
Mp3s for Greek, Arab, Roman Medicine
202: History and Influence of Arab Medicine
Introduction to the Course
Course Texts for Influence of Arab Medicine
Handouts for Influence of Arab Medicine
303: Typology of Avicenna
Introduction to the Course
Course Texts for Typology of Avicenna
Handouts for Typology of Avicenna
Mp3s for Typology of Avicenna
Video Lectures for Typology of Avicenna (88:18)
404: Theory in Islamic Medicine
Introduction to the Course
Course Text for Theory in Islamic Medicine
Handout for Theory in Islamic Medicine
505: Herbs of the Hadith
Introduction to the Course
Course Text for Herbs of the Hadith
Handout for Course Herbs of the Hadith
606: Herbs of the Holy Books
Introduction to the Course
Course Text for Herbs of the Holy Books
Handouts for Herbs of the Holy Books
707: Herbs of the Arab World
Introduction to the Course
Course Text for Herbs of the Arab World
Handout for Herbs of the Arab World
808: Aromatherapy and the History of Spiritual Healing
Introduction to the Course
Course Text for Aromatherapy & Spiritual Healing
Handouts for Aromatherapy & Spiritual Healing
Mp3s for Aromatherapy & Spiritual Healing
Power Point Lecture for Aromatherapy & Spiritual Healing (17:55)
909: Herbal Preparations
Introduction to the Course
Course Texts for Herbal Preparations
Mp3s for Herbal Preparations
Videos for Herbal Preparations (29:42)
110: History of Healing with Prayer
Introduction to the Course
Course Text for History of Healing with Prayer
111: Nutritional Healing of the East
Introduction to the Course
Course Text for Nutritional Healing of the East
Handouts for Nutritional Healing of the East
Mp3s for Nutritional Healing of the East
112: Unani Tibb Consultations: Methodology, Legalities and Ethics
Introduction to the Course
Course Texts for Unani Tibb Consultations
Mp3 Lecture for Unani Tibb Consultations
Power Point Lecture for Unani Tibb Consultations (17:25)
Teach online with
Handouts for Typology of Avicenna
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