Waldorf Block: Fifth Grade Math
“Join Waldorf teacher Mr. Andrea for an adventure through Fifth Grade Math. In this first fractions block, we will explore decimal-fractions through their history and application through various times and places, giving the students an interesting context to bring these operations to life and lay the foundation for higher math functions such as business math and algebra later on. Students will learn and practice the four operations, rounding, expanded notation, fraction-decimal conversions, money, and place value with decimal-fractions. Each Living Lesson set is a complete video course for the block and includes chalkboard drawings, teacher instruction, main lesson book drawings, music, watercolor, and more. The exact contents of the block can be found below in the description.”
Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby). Scroll down to the class listings below to see the full syllabus and to view some free samples!
“Join Waldorf teacher Mr. Andrea for an adventure through Fifth Grade Math. In this first fractions block, we will explore decimal-fractions through their history and application through various times and places, giving the students an interesting context to bring these operations to life and lay the foundation for higher math functions such as business math and algebra later on. Students will learn and practice the four operations, rounding, expanded notation, fraction-decimal conversions, money, and place value with decimal-fractions. Each Living Lesson set is a complete video course for the block and includes chalkboard drawings, teacher instruction, main lesson book drawings, music, watercolor, and more. The exact contents of the block can be found below in the description.”
Do you want a FULL Waldorf Curriculum with Music, Handwork, Eurythmy, and extra Art Lessons?
Visit our fifth-grade Bundle HERE
Your Instructor
Nicholas Andrea now resides in the lush woodlands of northern Delaware with his family after spending the last six years teaching at the Asheville Waldorf School in North Carolina as a grades, music, and aftercare teacher. Nicholas earned his Waldorf Elementary and Music certifications at Sunbridge Institute in Spring Valley, NY. He is passionate about the Waldorf curriculum and believes in its ability to raise capable, compassionate, and creative human beings. After the birth of their son last October, Nicholas and his partner Cassie wanted more time at home with their baby which has led Nicholas to finding Earthschooling.
Nicholas is also passionate about music, speech arts, and history. Known in other circles as “The Bard,” Nicholas’s lifelong love of music has led him to a variety of instruments including world percussion, dijeridoo, flutes of various kinds, and Irish and Scottish bagpipes. He is also a published poet, and he spends his spare time plumbing the mysteries of world history in order to understand how we got where we are and where we go from here.
Course Curriculum
StartWritten Lessons for Fifth Grade Math Block
StartMath Worksheets for all Fifth Grade Math Blocks
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #1: Intro to Decimals (56:57)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #2: Writing Decimals (56:19)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #3: Decimal Place Value (92:26)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #4: Comparing Decimals (56:35)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #5: Rounding Decimals (45:23)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #6: Money (52:49)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #7: Digital Time Clocks (55:28)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #8: Adding and Subtracting Decimals (60:12)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #9: Multiplying Decimals and Whole Numbers (56:57)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #10: Multiplying Decimals by Decimals (54:44)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #11: Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers (56:41)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #12: Dividing Decimals by Decimals (50:01)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #13: Converting Fractions into Decimals (63:14)
Start5th Grade Math Block 1 Lesson #14 - Repeating Decimals (59:56)
StartDecimal-Fractions Math Block Test (22:04)