Waldorf Block: Fourth Grade Local Geography
Join Waldorf teacher Nichole Martinez on a wonderful adventure through fourth grade local geography. Each video includes a main lesson book drawing and chalk board drawing along with some extras. This is a complete block for fourth grade. Each Living Lesson set is a complete video course for the block and includes chalkboard drawings, teacher instruction, main lesson book drawings, verses, and more. The exact contents of the block can be found below in the description.
Join Waldorf teacher Nichole Martinez on a wonderful adventure through
fourth grade local geography. Each video includes a main lesson book
drawing and chalk board drawing along with some extras. This is a
complete block for fourth grade. Each Living Lesson set is a complete
video course for the block and includes chalkboard drawings, teacher
instruction, main lesson book drawings, verses, and more. The exact
contents of the block can be found below in the description.
Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby). Scroll down to the class listings below to see the full syllabus and to view some free samples!
Do you want a FULL Waldorf Curriculum with Music, Handwork, Eurythmy, and extra Art Lessons?
Visit our fourth-grade Bundle HERE
Your Instructor
Nicole is a Waldorf teacher who is providing Living Lessons to our first grade students! Nicole Martinez holds a Master’s degree in education as well as a Waldorf Teaching Certificate from The The Waldorf Institute of Southern California. She has brought her first class from first to sixth grade and has gone back to take a new first grade. Before becoming a teacher Nicole worked in the Natural Products industry as a supplement buyer and manager of Boney’s Bayside Market in Coronado CA. Along with this Nicole is also an artist and enjoys blending her knowledge of Anthroposophy, Shamanism, Indigenous healing and Nature into her art. To see more of her art and to learn more please visit www.desertsage000fineart.com and www.desertsagenadrose.com
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome from Waldorf Teacher Nicole (20:19)
PreviewFREE FIRST LESSON: Fourth Grade Math: Lesson One (Mellie) (39:01)
PreviewFREE FIRST LESSON: Form Drawing Lesson A: The Celtic Knot #1 (11:44)
PreviewFREE FIRST LESSON: Human and Animal Block: Lesson One (35:31)
PreviewFREE FIRST LESSON: Settlers & Human Deeds Block: Lesson 1: Naya Nuki of The Great Basin (32:37)
StartWritten Lessons for Fourth Grade Local Geography Block
StartLocal Geography Block: Lesson 1: Introduction to Local Geography (25:51)
StartLocal Geography Block: Lesson 2: The Four Directions and Landscape (59:53)
StartLocal Geography Block: Lesson 3: How Nature is Different Depending on Geographical Location (34:58)
StartLocal Geography Block: Lesson 4: The Mojave Desert and The Gold Rush (24:35)
StartLocal Geography Block: Lesson 5: Mission Basilica San Diego De Alcalá (49:10)
StartLocal Geography Block: Lesson 6: Día De Los Muertos: FINAL LESSON (48:00)
StartWritten Lessons for Fourth Grade Native American Block
StartNative American Block: Lesson 1: Cherokee Creation Story (41:13)
StartNative American Block: Lesson 2: Cherokee Creation Story (36:50)
StartNative American Block: Lesson 3: Cherokee Creation Story (54:12)
StartContinues with "Early Settlers and Human Deeds"