Waldorf Block: Second Grade Heroes
Take this amazing journey with Waldorf teacher Mellie Lonneman as she gently leads the student through the lives of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi, Wangari Maathai, Black Elk, John Muir, Rachel Carson, and Jane Goodall. Each lesson includes a verse, movement, story, and main lesson book work/image for the student to create. Each video is 40-45 minutes and is a full main lesson. BONUS: This block also includes three handwork videos and 9 bonus videos covering stories from The King of Ireland’s Son.
Take this amazing journey with Waldorf teacher Mellie Lonneman as she
gently leads the student through the lives of Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr., Ghandi, Wangari Maathai, Black Elk, John Muir, Rachel Carson, and
Jane Goodall. Each lesson includes a verse, movement, story, and main
lesson book work/image for the student to create. Each video is 40-45
minutes and is a full main lesson. BONUS: This block also includes three
handwork videos and 9 bonus videos covering stories from The King of
Ireland’s Son.
Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby).
Are you looking for a FULL Waldorf curriculum with Eurythmy, Music, Extra Art, and Handwork?
Visit our Second Grade Bundle HERE
Your Instructor
Mellie Mae Lonnemann lives in Asheville, North Carolina with her husband and two sons. Mellie was a class teacher at the Green Meadow Waldorf School in Chestnut Ridge, NY before the arrival of her first son, Joseph. She then taught homeschool students morning lessons, clay art, quilting, and gardening. She taught handwork at the Asheville Waldorf School before the birth of her second son..Mellie received her Waldorf Teacher Certificate from Sunbridge Institute, a BFA with a concentration in ceramics from Alfred University, and an Art Certificate in Professional Maiolica from the Ballardini State Institute of Art in Faenza, Italy. Mellie loves spending time outdoors, being creative, and learning from her beautiful sons! She wishes to impart a love for learning through curiosity, discovery and creativity.
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction from Your Teacher Mellie Lonneman (16:58)
PreviewFREE FIRST LESSON: Fables with Teacher Mellie: The Fox and the Crow (40:12)
PreviewFREE LESSON: Hero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Rachel Carson (41:27)
PreviewFREE Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 13: The Letter ‘m’ & Memory Mountain (9:58)
PreviewFREE Form Drawing with Teacher Simone: Form Drawing and Gnomes (10:02)
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Heroes and Saints Block
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 1: Dr. Martin Luther King (40:11)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 2: Gandhi (41:12)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 3: Wangari Maathai (43:19)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 4: John Muir: Part One (17:13)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 5: John Muir: Part Two (24:29)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Rachel Carson (41:27)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 7: Black Elk: Part I (12:14)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 8: Black Elk: Part II (27:42)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 9: Jane Goodall (43:51)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson A: Hero Books (24:14)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson B: Telling the Story – The King of Ireland’s Son (5:41)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson C: Creating a Wax Character for a Story (5:53)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson D: King of Ireland’s Son: Part Two: Finding Adjectives & Adverbs. Second Story: The Guilty Dogs (21:09)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson E & F: Creating a Main Lesson Book Picture for “The Guilty Dogs” (29:58)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson G: Identifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson H: King of Ireland’s Son Part Four: More Adjectives and Adverbs (13:19)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson I: King of Ireland’s Son Part Five: Chapter 6 and The Color Red (14:16)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson J: King of Ireland’s Son Part Six: Chapter Eight (6:04)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson K: The Balavisx & The King of Ireland’s Son (16:10)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson L: Paper Cutting a Circle and The Balavisx (21:05)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson M: King of Ireland’s Son Chapters 11 & 12 (15:31)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson N: Timeline for Inventor and Discoverer (15:00)