Waldorf Teacher Course: Waldorf Teacher Support Package
Your Instructor
A class designated as being taught by The BEarth Institute may involve multiple teachers. You can learn more about all of our teachers here: https://earthschooling.info/thebearthinstitute/about-us/gallery-3/
Classes that involve multiple teachers are as follows:
- Preschool & Kindergarten: Amy Cho and Safia Mandil (Stories, Crafts, and Circle Time)
- First Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Nicole Martinez (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Diane Power, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Michelle Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Second Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Simone Blanchard (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Diane Power, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Third Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Amy Williams & Joy Cowburn (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Fourth Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Nicole Martinez (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Fifth Grade: Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, Catherine Allegretti, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Sixth Grade: Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, Robyn Beaufoy, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Seventh Grade: Stephanie Packer & Danielle Gair (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, Catherine Allegretti, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Eighth Grade: Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Ninth Grade: Stephanie Packer, Natasha Sherwood, Kerry Burke, Dr. Chris Deason, Danielle Gair, Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Tenth Grade: Rachel Solt, Stephanie Packer, Natasha Sherwood, Kerry Burke, Dr. Chris Deason, Danielle Gair, Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Michelle Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Eleventh Grade: Stephanie Packer, Danielle Gair, Mohsina Mandil (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Twelfth Grade: Stephanie Packer, Mohsina Mandil & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
Course Curriculum
Waldorf Philosophy and Pedagogy
Available in
after you enroll
StartTwelve Misunderstandings About Waldorf Education by Waldorf Teacher Colin Price (Book)
StartWaldorf Rhythms and Stages (Video, Mp3, and Handouts) (40:53)
StartHomeschooling Outdoors (Mp3 and Handout)
StartSteiner’s 12 Senses (Mp3 Lecture)
StartWhy Read Steiner (PDF)
StartSteiner’s Eurythmy Lectures (PDF)
StartSteiner on How to Teach Geography (PDF)
StartSteiner on Man and the Four Kingdoms of Nature (PDF)
StartSteiner on Medicine and Anatomy (PDF)
StartSteiner on Speech and Song (PDF)
StartSteiner on Suitable Colors for Each Grade (PDF)
StartSteiner on The Poetry and Meaning of Fairy Tales (PDF)
StartSteiner on the Alphabet (PDF)
StartSolo Parenting Chat (PDF)
Waldorf Classroom Planning
Available in
after you enroll
StartMy Waldorf Year for the Northern Hemisphere (PDF)
StartMy Waldorf Year for the Southern Hemisphere (PDF)
StartMain Earthschooling Planner: (PDF & Editable Version Including Sample)
StartHoliday Planning Guide (PDF)
StartOrganization and the Temperaments (Videos, Guide, Handouts & Planners) (53:30)
StartMember Chat: Integrating Waldorf Curriculum Part Time (PDF)
StartMember Chat: Organization Tips (PDF)
StartMember Chat: Organization and Planning (PDF)
StartEarly Childhood Teacher Training Mini Seminar: Private School Classroom (Video) (31:57)
StartFree Play Time Multi-Age Homeschool Classroom (Video) (2:11)
StartThe Nature Walk (Video) (0:13)
StartSupply Lists for all Grades (PDF)
Essential Waldorf Teacher Skills: Watercoloring Tutorials
Available in
after you enroll
StartA Year of Waldorf Watercolor Stories (PDF)
StartWatercolor Basics from The Year of Waldorf Watercolor Verses (Videos) (24:08)
StartBasic Waldorf Watercolor Skills (PDF)
StartWatercolor Basics by Rick Tan: Ages 3-12 (Video) (31:56)
StartFourth Grade Wet-on-Wet Watercolor Tutorial (Video) (14:43)
StartWet on Dry Watercolor Tutorial (Video) (27:01)
StartWaldorf Wet-on-Wet Watercolor Basics (Video Set plus Guide) (80:44)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.