FREE SAMPLE: Revolutions: Lecture 2

The written lessons are not the same as the videos. They are meant to form a basis for your lessons when you use the videos as support.

Or, you can use the videos as your main lessons and use the written lessons for expansion and/or homework and reading lessons.

You can also choose to do just the videos instead of the written lessons and videos.

These lessons are intended to complement each other.

Students did a block on "Revolutions" in 8th grade with Mr. Andrea. We encouraged students (at that time) to save the French Revolution part of the block for 9th grade. If you did the block already you can watch the videos again as review. If this is your first time watching the videos - please enjoy!

For this assignment you will first need to skip to Revolutions: Lecture 13 - Lecture 22. You will need to read this book (contained in those lectures) so you have some background before you continue. Once you have read that book you will return to this lecture. This lecture will be one lesson. You will read this lecture and then take two days to write an essay "Why we need to learn about the French Revolution and what we can learn from the French Revolution".

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