List of all the Golden Beetle Book Curriculum Guides

Index of all the Golden Beetle Book Curriculum Guides

6 Books on Language

CLASS 1 & 2

Genii of Language*Capital Alphabet *Phonics *Lower Case Alphabet *12 Word Families *Writing of Nature *Foreign Language *Speech Exercises *Word Games *Writing Practice *Reading-Library *Children’s Names *The Steiner School Inspector! *Death of Imagination

CLASS 3 & 4
Logios – Spirit of the Word
*12 Points of Punctuation *The Story *7 Sentence Types *History of Language *Spelling *8 Parts of Speech *The Drama *History of Writing *Vocabulary *Letter Writing *7 Types of Thinking *The Alphabet as Zodiac Signs *The Aboriginal Word *Acronyms *Animal Ears *Orthoepy!

CLASS 5 & 6 
Grammatike Grammatikos
*Dictation *History of English *Prosody *Eloquence *Dictionary *Composition *History of Literature *60 Grammar Rules *Reporting & Research *Poems & Poets *The 33rd Tooth *Time to Read *Etymology *Twelve Greek Rhythms 

CLASS 7 & 8 
Word Circus
*Calligraphy *12 Figures of Speech *The Book *Audio-Visual Media *Print Media *Story Writing *Language Structure *Medieval Literature *Myth & Legend *Pronunciation *The Reading Myth *Teaching Japanese *Foreign Vocabulary *Exams Debunked *Founding A Steiner High School

CLASS 9 & 10 
The Pierian Spring
*Poetry *Creative Writing *Renaissance Literature *The Epic *Film, Radio & TV *Public Speaking *Age of Reason Literature *Asian Literature
*7 WORLD LITERATURES – Hebrew, Arabic, Ural-Altaic, Celtic, Akkadian, Mongolian, The Indias.

CLASS 11 & 12
I Am – Because I Write, Speak and Read
*Theatre *Speech & Poetry *19th Century European Literature *American Literature *The Australian Novel *Communications *20th Century World Literature *Russian Literature *7 INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES: Persian, Greek, Anatolian, Germanic, Latin, Russian, Sanscrit (see The Pierian Spring)

6 Books on Math

CLASS 1 & 2 
Journey to Numeria
*Counting *4 Operations *The Equation *Paper Folding & Cutting *Form-Dynamic Drawing *Games with Counters *Money Maths *Times Tables *The Algorithm *Time & Clocks *Shop *Number of the Creation Woman

CLASS 3 & 4 
Archios – Spirit of Number
*Linear Measure *Signs & Symbols *Borrowing *Measure the World *Form-Dynamic Drawing *Time-Speed-Distance *Area Measure *History of Number *Fractions *Man the Measure *Free-hand Geometric Drawing
*Number Systems *Year of the Beast *Seven Life Stages

CLASS 5 & 6 
Numero Mystika
*Volume-Weight-Mass *Decimals *Maths in Nature *Geometric Drawing *Finance *Solid Geometry *Ratio & Proportion *Percentages *Maths in Engineering *Geometric Construction *Sets & Patterns *Prime Magic

CLASS 7 & 8 
What is X? Why is Y?
*Euclidean Geometry *Algebra *Economics *Mechanics *Maths in Mapping *Circles & Cycles *Geometry in Architecture *Personal Finance *Logarithms *Out with Textbooks *4 Cosmic Curves *Threefold Commonwealth
*The 100,000 Cranes (Geometry Overview) *Blue Chip Lemonade (Finance Overview)

CLASS 9 & 10
Of Pine and Palm
*Trigonometry *Small Business *Probability Function *Time & Motion *Astronomy & Navigation *Australian Economics *Surveying *Computers

CLASS 11 & 12
Wheels of Fire
*Projective Geometry *Accountancy *Mechanics *Aviation *Sacred Geometry *Investment *Calculus *Architecture

6 Books on Social Studies

CLASS 1 & 2
The People Pool
*Local Geography *4 Temperaments *’Flood’ Stories *3-Fold Soul *Ancient India *Aboriginal Stories *Regional Geography *Animal Stories *South-East Quatrosphere *A Sun Curriculum *Seven Atlantean

CLASS 3 & 4
Lore of Life
*Zonal Geography-History *2-Fold Man Stories *Ancient Persia *The Living Land *Creation Stories *Maritime Discovery *Building – The Individual *Ancient Egypt *Folk Lore *Timetabling

CLASS 5 & 6
Out of Chaos
*Exploration *Society *Ancient Greece *Frigid Zone Ecology *Other Places – Other People *Ocean Studies *World Community *Ancient Rome *Gandhi and the 7 Social Sins *Soul of the Southland *Exploring Sacred Places

CLASS 7 & 8
Gaze Both Ways
*7 Continents   *7 Race Migrations  *Age of Chivalry *History of Play, Games & Sport *Biographies  *National History 1788 – 1888  *Anthropology *Medieval History  *Local Government  *Consumer Affairs  *Folk Souls & Group Spirits  *Steiner Education in Japan   *Mending Broken Homes *Teaching Religion *Mystery Of Good And Evil

CLASS 9 & 10
On Butterfly Wings
*National History 1888 – 1945  *Psychology  *Sociology  *Renaissance & Age of Reason History *Pediatrics *State & Federal Government  *Legal Studies  *Fashion *Birth of Lorien Novalis *Troubled Teenagers  *Egalitarian Education

CLASS 11 & 12
The Tree of Time
*National History 1946 to Present *Theology *19th & 20th Century World History *Health Care *International Service *Marketing *Military Science *Philosophy *Economic Geography *Education *Community Service

6 Books on Science

CLASS 1 & 2
World Within – Child Without - *Physics Games *4 Elementals *4 Elements *Rock Cycle Stories *Plant Stories *4 Seasons *Animal Fables *4 Kingdoms *Water Cycle Stories *Love of Nature Story *Seasonal Festival Poems *Lesson Preparation

CLASS 3 & 4
Child Awake!
*Light & Colour  *Agriculture *12 Senses *Sound & Song *Plant & Earth *Man & Animal *Air Stories *Fire Stories *Torrid Zone Ecology

CLASS 5 & 6
Into Calm
*National Weather *Nature Communities *Physiology *Inventions *Geology *National Zoology *Human Reproduction *Science Experiments *Plant Physiology *Mountain Magic *New Age of Abraham *Daffodil & Violet – A Floral Play *Primary Desk Design

CLASS 7 & 8
La Pleroma!
*Planetary Astronomy *National Botany  *Anatomy *Animal Physiology *Electrical Physics  *Inorganic Chemistry  *Botanical Classification  *The Petrosphere *National Ecology *Timber Technology *Complete Class 1 to 7 Primary Curriculum! *Goodness, Beauty, Truth – The Kindy to Uni. Path

CLASS 9 & 10
A Spiritual Science
*Sound Physics  *Organic Chemistry *Zoological Classification *Light Physics  *Nutritional Chemistry  *Physiology  *The Hydrosphere (World Water)  *Ornithology  *The Atmosphere (World Weather) *Marine Biology *Programming Information

CLASS 11 & 12
Age of the Pale Horse
*Heat Physics *Industrial Chemistry *Microbiology *Regional Geography *Veterinary Science *Maritime Science *Atomic Physics *Pharmacology *Genetics *Conservation *Energy Resources

For the Teacher: Core Studies

A Steiner Homeschool
An essential overview for those planning a full or part time Homeschooling or Natural Learning program for their child/ren, includes information on:
*History & Structure  *Bureaucracy   *Community  *Family  *Resources & Facilities  *Teachers & Training  *Curriculum & Programming  *Content *Creativity *Discipline  *Extra-curricular  *Obstacles  *High School & Qualifications  *The Future  *Childhood Illnesses  *Children’s Drawing as Therapy *Mixed Ages Teaching

Dear Alan, Thank you for the books. “A Steiner Homeschool?” has answered everything I’ve ever wanted to know about homeschooling! The books have given me so much inspiration! – Alex Lange, Cannonvale, Queensland, Australia.


Celebrations and Festivals

Hathor the Moon Cow
Sex and Family Education
*The Family *Sex Education, Past & Present *Physiology of Sex *Sex as Allegory *Cycle of Life *Art of Sex *Morality of Sex *Heritage of Sex *A Sex Saga *Sex as Spirit *Sex in Evolution *Sex and Babies *A Sex Syllabus *The Under-7s *Funny Side of Sex *Angels of Sex *Tragedy of Sex *Sex and Teachers *Home Birth *Death of a Child *Panning Pornography *Tributes to my Mother and Father

Nutrition Health Hygiene
*Nutrition in School *Infant Nutrition *The Liver *Diet & Health *Food Psychology *Cereals *Food & Morality *Fluoride in Water *The Common Cold *Tobacco *Soy *7 Soul Spices *Milk *Dried Foods *Bread *On Dying *Sun ‘Protection’ *Longevity *Drugs *Nuts *Apples *Sugar *Edible Oils *Fibre *Pasta *Vitamins 

Touch the Earth Gently
Games Sport Dance Primary & High
*The Class Trip *Family Fun *Play, Games & Sport *Primary Games *Water Games *Facilities *Ball Games *7 Movement Children *Gymnastics *4 Temperaments *Bush Games *Field Games *Indoor Games *Equipment Games *High School Sport *Sport Physiology *SCUBA Diving *Martial Arts *Sport’s a Joke! *Fishing? *Clean-up Australia *Hunting?!! *Dancing *Steiner as Sportsperson *Complete Dance Curriculum Class 1 to 7

Horns of Hermes
Primary & High School Music
*Animal Song Evolution *Spirit of Music *Bird Song & Colour *7 Instruments of the Temple *The Strings *The Winds *The Idiophones *The Percussions *Music Curriculum, Class 1 to 7 *Teacher as Song Writer *Music for Festivals *Aboriginal Song

33 Sun Songs
A Music Score for Steiner Children
A companion book to Horns of Hermes above, 33 SUN SONGS is however a music book, rather than a book about music. These 33 all-original, fully-notated (both melody and chords), songs have been sung in many schools over many years to artistically enliven many lessons, like punctuation, fractions, Egyptian history and weather – as well as the seasonal festivals. Included is explanatory educational/spiritual text for each song; as well as many examples of beautiful childrens’ artwork. Large A4 format for piano and music stands.

Magic Mangrove Seed
A Graded Reading-story Book
for classroom or home – for children 7 to 13. All original.  Story material includes: Punctuation; Fables; Nature; Geography; Grammar; Health; Seasons; Foreign Language; Fractions; Farming; History; Celebrations & Festivals; The Spirit Of Shibboleth – A Virgo Vernal Fairy Tale.

Choirs of Colors
Primary Painting Sculpture Drawing
A year-by-year unfolding of the essence of watercolor painting sculpture and drawing, especially for primary; Class 1 to 7; also: *Spirits of Color * Class 1 to 12 Painting Curriculum *Physiology of Color *World & Australian Painting

Pastoral Care and Parenting
A light-hearted yet serious and practical approach to pastoral care: *Corporal Punishment *Expulsion *Forced Labour *Punishment *Records *Teacher Conduct *The College of Teachers *Uniforms *Smoking *Delinquency *Family Breakup *Nature and Art Therapy *Wise and Foolish Parenting *Humor as Discipline *The Firearms Dilemma *Morality and Story *The Problem of Boring

A Resource Manual on Language 
for teachers and carers – and anyone who loves words. Subjects include: *Speech *Humour *The Novel *Names *Mime *Poetry *The Vernacular *St John *The Short Story *19th Century Australian Poetry *Sound & Hearing *Flamer, Tale of an Australian Icon

Evolution of Mankind and the World:
*Numerology *Ancients Saturn, Sun, Moon *Earth *Polaria *Hyperborea *Lemuria *Atlantis *Death & Birth, a ‘Fairy’ Tale *Troy/Ilium Womb of the World *Rudolf Steiner’s 7 Life Stages *A Tribute To My Teacher – Douglas Waugh

 Esoteric Christianity in Light of Steiner’s Spiritual Science
*4-Season Festivals *Creativity in Education *4 Gospels *Life after Death *9 Choirs of Angels *Ahriman & Lucifer *9 Realms of Inner Earth *Anthroposophy as Esoteric Christianity *The Spirit of Feminism *Halloween *Santa Claus *The Equinoxes *Harvest Festival

*Starting a School *Structure & Admin. *28 Principles of Steiner Education *The College of Teachers *The Class Teacher *Body-Soul- Spirit Overview of Class 1 to 7 *4 Temperaments *Computers in Schools *Storytelling *Full Class 1 to Class 7 Curriculum

*Teacher Education *First Steiner High School *Structure *Teachers *Class Guardian *Students *Qualifications *Curriculum *Religion and Moral Education *Eurythmy *The Future *Steiner and Sexism *7 Planet Personalities *Body-Soul-Spirit Overview of Class 8 to 12 *7 Deadly Sins *Children of Aquarius *Equivalent Matriculation *Full Class 8 to Class 12 High School Curriculum *School Finances

Steiner High School Visual Arts
PAINTING: *Poster *Landscape *Watercolour *Oils *Abstract.
SCULPTURE: *Relief *Wood *Portrait *Stone *Major Work.
DRAWING: *Black & White *Brush & Ink *Commercial *Portrait *Life Drawing. *Art History, Class 8 to 12.

Drama Teaching in Steiner Education, Class 1 to 12
*Verse Plays *Puppet Theatre *Playwriting *Pantomime *History & Geography of Drama *Music Drama *12 Elements of Theatre *Film-making *Dance Drama *Radio Plays *Individual Performance *Dawn to Dusk to Dawn, a Teachers Play

The Spirit in Architecture *Domestic & School Building *Geography in Architecture *The Spirit in Structure *Architect as Creative Artist *Architectural Acoustics *Feng Shui *Low-cost Building & Landscaping *Area, Site & Materials *Architectural Anatomy *Australian Architecture *Humor in House Building *Architecture in Education, Class 1 to 12 *Geometry to Cosmometry *The Spiritual House *Rudolf Steiner as Architect *Dornach – Home of the Grail Castle

Seven Soul Arts – Mission of the Nine Muses
* Architecture *Sculpture *Painting *Music *Language Arts *Eurythmy *The 7th Art – The Nine Muses: *Melpomene Muse of Tragedy (Physical Body) *Urania Muse of Astronomy *Terpsichore Muse of Dance *Clio Muse of Story * Polyhymnia Muse of Mime *Euterpe Muse of Music *Erato Muse of Poetry *Thalia Muse of Comedy (Eurythmy) *Calliope Muse of Eloquence (Atman).


A Spiritual Science Insight on the Mineral Earth
*4 Rock Elementals *Seven Soul Metals *Twelve Zodiacal Gems *Seven Oceans *Seven Continents *Australia’s Twelve Sacred Places.

A Spiritual Science Insight on the Plant Earth 
A companion volume to above *A Botanical Christian Esotericism *Sacred Floral Therapy *Seven Sacred Plant Substances *Seven Sacred Spices *Five Floral Foods *The Cryptic Cryptogamae *Seven Planet Plant Influences *Spectrum Plant Signatures *The Four Elements in Botany *Seven Geographic Plant Mansions *An Esoteric Plant Classification *A Local Botanical Garden? 

World Zoology in the Light of Rudolf Steiner’s Spiritual Science 
A companion volume to above *Four-planet Animal Evolution *Twelve Phyla Animal Zodiac *Seven Planetary Vertebrates *Riding The Ethers-World Animal Migration *Africa-The Astral-Animal Continent *Language Of Form In World Fauna *Language Of Movement In World Fauna *The Twelve Zodiacal Mammalian Orders *Australia’s Unique Fauna *A Spiritual Conservation *Saving The Whale *Animal Apocrypha *A Rainforest Odyssey *Spiritual Zoology Of The Americas *Sacred Asian Animals.

Physiognomy in the Light of Spiritual Science – A Study of Man 
A companion volume to above
*Zodiac Physiognomy *Planetary Physiognomy *Whole Body Physiognomy *Skin & Hair Physiognomy *Head Physiognomy *Physiognomy Of Movement *Physical Body Physiognomy *Life Body Physiognomy *Soul Body Physiognomy *Four Temperaments Physiognomy *Physiognomy Of The Ego 

The Golden Path
Craft – Technics – Practical
“From Play, through Beauty, to Work. This is the Golden Path for Education.” Rudolf Steiner. 108 afternoon Block-lessons from Class 1 to 12. Handicrafts; Fabric-crafts; Woodwork; Metalwork; Needlework; Bushcrafts; Animal Care; Gardening; Cooking & more. Each enhances the Hand-Will faculties in all girls and boys.

A Children’s Anthologia
“A gathering of flowers” – 50 Poems for Primary
Designed to enhance a diverse range of subjects, including: language, mathematics, social studies, science, drama. art and the four-season festivals. Includes details on the 12 Greek Zodiacal Rhythms, the Seven Metres, and the Seven Speech Styles.

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