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Second Grade Waldorf Earthschooling Speciality Curriculum Living Lessons (Eurythmy, Music, Handwork, Art)
Second Grade Handwork Lessons
Written Lessons for Second Grade Handwork Block
Beeswax Lesson One: The Immortalized Icicle & The Pear Story (15:10)
Beeswax Lesson Two: Creating a Wax Character for a Story (5:53)
Beeswax Lesson Three: Creating a Beeswax Elephant (4:18)
Beeswax Lesson Four: Making Molding Beeswax (7:01)
Beeswax Lesson Five: Nature Table Craft & Beeswax Bird (6:31)
Clay Sculpture Lesson One: Beginning Clay Work and Sculpture (6:08)
Clay Sculpture Lesson Two: The Goose Girl by the Well Story & Handwork (2:25)
Clay Sculpture Lesson Three: Making a Bird and Nest with Modeling Clay (3:54)
Clay Sculpture Lesson Four: Making a Modeling Clay Star(fish) (3:40)
Felting Lesson One: Making a Felt Envelope (5:56)
Felting Lesson Two: Felt Mice (5:32)
Felting Lesson Three: How to Felt a Mermaid (9:56)
Felting Lesson Four: Wet Felted Ball and Soap (14:44)
Felting Lesson Five: Wet Felted Pumpkins (16:22)
Felting Lesson Six: Felted Sheep (35:39)
Knitting and Crochet Lesson One: Introduction (10:21)
Knitting and Crochet Lesson Two: Finger Knitting (2:54)
Knitting and Crochet Lesson Three: Finger Knit Flowers (8:44)
Knitting and Crochet Lesson Four: How to Knit a Square - A Rabbit (20:29)
Knitting and Crochet Lesson Five: Crochet Doily Lesson in Two Parts (23:35)
Knitting and Crochet Lesson Six: Spool Knitting (8:23)
Cooking Lesson One: How to Make Herbal Treats (5:50)
Cooking Lesson Two: Herbal Tea, Story & Simple Chalk Drawing (8:07)
Cooking Lesson Three: Making Ginger Syrup (7:39)
Cooking Lesson Four: Cooking with Kids in the Classroom: Crepes (17:44)
Second Grade Music Lessons
Introduction to Second Grade Music
Written Lessons for Second Grade Music Block
Second Grade Circle Times (17:22)
Lesson One: Introduction to the Pentatonic Recorder (9:36)
Lesson Two: First Lessons for the Pentatonic Recorder (10:28)
Lesson Three: Ongoing Lessons for the Pentatonic Recorder: Set 1
Lesson Four: Ongoing Lessons for the Pentatonic Recorder: Set 2
Lesson Five: Ongoing Lessons for the Pentatonic Recorder: Set 3
Lesson Six: Sheet Music & Mp3s for the Pentatonic Recorder
Second Grade Eurythmy Lessons
Lesson One: Introduction to Eurythmy (29:38)
Lesson Two: Introduction to Second Grade Eurythmy (16:26)
Lesson Three: Qui Qui Squirrels (1:39)
Lesson Four: Copper Rods in Second Grade (2:03)
Second Grade Supplemental Art Lessons
Written Lessons for Second Grade Art Block
Lesson One: Wax and Play: Making a Wax Star (5:11)
Lesson Two: Making Crowns (11:43)
Lesson Three: Making a Waldorf Lantern (14:15)
Lesson Four: Paper Cutting a Circle and The Balavisx (21:05)
Lesson Five: Block Crayons: How to Draw People in Motion (15:45)
Lesson Six: Block Crayons: How to Combine Colors and a Rainbow Wheel (19:01)
Lesson Seven: Block Crayons: The Tortoise and the Hare (16:11)
Lesson Eight: Block Crayons: The Lion & The Mouse (54:04)
Lesson Nine: Wet-on-Wet Watercolor Basics: First Lessons (20:44)
Lesson Ten: Wet-on-Wet Watercolor: A Pretty Pumpkin (7:53)
Optional Lesson: Celebrating Loved Ones That Have Passed (10:55)
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Lesson Three: Qui Qui Squirrels
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