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Waldorf Block: Second Grade Language Block
Second Grade Language Block: Lowercase Alphabet
Written Lessons for Second Grade Lower Case Alphabet Block
Introduction to the Learning Lower Case Letters (14:04)
Main Lesson with Teacher Amy: Lesson 1: The Letter ‘a’ and The Acrobatic Apple (5:19)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 2: The Letter ‘b’ and Bella Bunny (10:42)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 3: The Letter ‘c’ and Crying Cloud (10:25)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 4: The Letter ‘d’ and The Divine Dipper (10:09)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 5: The Letter ‘e’ and Easter eggs (15:29)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 6: The Letter ‘f’ and Feeling Flowers (16:30)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 7: The Letter ‘g’ and Grape on the Ground (8:36)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 8: The Letter ‘h’ and Hiding Hut (10:20)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 9: The Letter ‘i’ and Immortalized Icicle (13:36)
Main Lesson with Amy Lesson 10: The Letter ‘j’ and Jesting Jack-o-Lantern (9:47)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 11: The Letter ‘k’ and Karate Kick (11:37)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 12: The Letter ‘l’ and Long Lollipop (13:23)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 13: The Letter ‘m’ and Memory Mountain (9:58)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 14: The Letter ‘n’ and Neat Nut (11:27)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 15: The Letter ‘o’ and Outgoing Octopus (13:36)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 16: The Letter ‘p’ and The Penguin with the Magic Snowflake (20:47)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 17: The Letter ‘q’ and The Quill (15:39)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 18: The Letter ‘r’ and The Rainbow (17:35)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 19: The Letter ‘s’ and The Slide (12:49)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 20: The Letter ‘t’ and The Topsy Turvy Top (14:05)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 21: The Letter ‘u’ and Sad Umbrella (16:34)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 22: The Letter ‘v’ and The Violet (14:27)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 23: The Letter ‘w’ and The Digging Worm (14:06)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 24: The Letter ‘x’ and The Xylophone (11:58)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 25: The Letter ‘y’ and The Yellow Bunny Yarn (15:51)
Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 26: The Letter ‘z’ and The Zebra (12:10)
Second Grade Language & Phonics with Teacher Simone
House, Tree, and Person Development Exercise (7:04)
Lower Case Letter ‘m’ and the Math Maze (13:38)
Lower Case Letter ‘n’ and Practicing (12:13)
Arrowhead Story with B, M, and E (13:47)
The Immortalized Icicle, The Pear Story, Working with Beeswax (15:10)
Lower Case Letter ‘j’ and the Jesting Jack-o-Lantern (12:08)
Lower Case Letter ‘k’ and the Karate Kick (12:13)
Letter Review: Knight and Courage Story (11:30)
Sight Words Story, New Main Lesson Book, Subtraction (15:59)
The Letter G: Grape on the Ground, Number 13 Facts (19:08)
Recall Letter H and the Hiding Hut, Addition Paper (11:41)
Crying Cloud and Magic Trick for Number 11 (10:33)
Lower Case ‘e’ and Making a Dodecahedron: Part I (17:07)
Lower Case ‘f’ practice and Making a Dodecahedron: Part II (20:04)
Sensory Writing, Comparing -oa and o_e, Sentence about Two Goats Story (17:03)
Acrobatic Apple: Story and Drawing (7:35)
Bella Bunny and Lowercase b Practice (7:25)
-ay Words; Main Lesson (9:29)
Ant and Grasshopper Fable: -ai and -ay Word Practice (21:37)
-ea Words and Selkie Story (12:48)
Selkie Story Writing Practice (3:53)
Two Goats and Word Sort (19:48)
Jack and Jane Story: Main Lesson (17:33)
Main lesson: Learning About the Beginning, Middle, and End of a Story (14:24)
Main Lesson: Drawing and Word Sort (10:44)
Quarreling Quails Drawing and Sentences (15:18)
Identifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
Language: Grammar with Teacher Simone
King of Ireland's Son: Recall Nouns and Verbs (16:44)
King of Ireland’s Son: Part Two: Finding Adjectives & Adverbs. Second Story: The Guilty Dogs (13:19)
Creating a Main Lesson Book Picture for “The Guilty Dogs” (29:58)
Identifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
“In Mary’s Garden” – Learning about Topics and Paragraphs (7:48)
“In Mary’s Garden” – Learning about Who, What & When (13:19)
Big Red and Little Blue: Story Writing (26:22)
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Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 24: The Letter ‘x’ and The Xylophone
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