Waldorf Block: Second Grade Language Block
Join teacher Amy Williams on a wonderful adventure through the lower case alphabet. Each video includes a main lesson book drawing and chalk board drawing along with some extras. This is a complete block for second grade. Each Living Lesson set is a complete video course for the block and includes chalkboard drawings, teacher instruction, main lesson book drawings, music, watercolor, and more.
Your Instructor
Amy Williams is a Waldorf-inspired, homeschooling mom of 3, Teacher, Pranic Healer, Arhatic Yoga Practitioner, and fiber art enthusiast, with an Associate of Applied Science degree. Amy is the founder of Parenting Through Prana, where she teaches how to activate the Heart-Crown Connection to shift daily challenges into a heart-centered win-win for parents and children.
Course Curriculum
Second Grade Language Block: Lowercase Alphabet
Available in
after you enroll
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Lower Case Alphabet Block
StartIntroduction to the Learning Lower Case Letters (14:04)
StartMain Lesson with Teacher Amy: Lesson 1: The Letter ‘a’ and The Acrobatic Apple (5:19)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 2: The Letter ‘b’ and Bella Bunny (10:42)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 3: The Letter ‘c’ and Crying Cloud (10:25)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 4: The Letter ‘d’ and The Divine Dipper (10:09)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 5: The Letter ‘e’ and Easter eggs (15:29)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 6: The Letter ‘f’ and Feeling Flowers (16:30)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 7: The Letter ‘g’ and Grape on the Ground (8:36)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 8: The Letter ‘h’ and Hiding Hut (10:20)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 9: The Letter ‘i’ and Immortalized Icicle (13:36)
StartMain Lesson with Amy Lesson 10: The Letter ‘j’ and Jesting Jack-o-Lantern (9:47)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 11: The Letter ‘k’ and Karate Kick (11:37)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 12: The Letter ‘l’ and Long Lollipop (13:23)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 13: The Letter ‘m’ and Memory Mountain (9:58)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 14: The Letter ‘n’ and Neat Nut (11:27)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 15: The Letter ‘o’ and Outgoing Octopus (13:36)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 16: The Letter ‘p’ and The Penguin with the Magic Snowflake (20:47)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 17: The Letter ‘q’ and The Quill (15:39)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 18: The Letter ‘r’ and The Rainbow (17:35)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 19: The Letter ‘s’ and The Slide (12:49)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 20: The Letter ‘t’ and The Topsy Turvy Top (14:05)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 21: The Letter ‘u’ and Sad Umbrella (16:34)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 22: The Letter ‘v’ and The Violet (14:27)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 23: The Letter ‘w’ and The Digging Worm (14:06)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 24: The Letter ‘x’ and The Xylophone (11:58)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 25: The Letter ‘y’ and The Yellow Bunny Yarn (15:51)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 26: The Letter ‘z’ and The Zebra (12:10)
Second Grade Language & Phonics with Teacher Simone
Available in
after you enroll
StartHouse, Tree, and Person Development Exercise (7:04)
StartLower Case Letter ‘m’ and the Math Maze (13:38)
StartLower Case Letter ‘n’ and Practicing (12:13)
StartArrowhead Story with B, M, and E (13:47)
StartThe Immortalized Icicle, The Pear Story, Working with Beeswax (15:10)
StartLower Case Letter ‘j’ and the Jesting Jack-o-Lantern (12:08)
StartLower Case Letter ‘k’ and the Karate Kick (12:13)
StartLetter Review: Knight and Courage Story (11:30)
StartSight Words Story, New Main Lesson Book, Subtraction (15:59)
StartThe Letter G: Grape on the Ground, Number 13 Facts (19:08)
StartRecall Letter H and the Hiding Hut, Addition Paper (11:41)
StartCrying Cloud and Magic Trick for Number 11 (10:33)
StartLower Case ‘e’ and Making a Dodecahedron: Part I (17:07)
StartLower Case ‘f’ practice and Making a Dodecahedron: Part II (20:04)
StartSensory Writing, Comparing -oa and o_e, Sentence about Two Goats Story (17:03)
StartAcrobatic Apple: Story and Drawing (7:35)
StartBella Bunny and Lowercase b Practice (7:25)
Start-ay Words; Main Lesson (9:29)
StartAnt and Grasshopper Fable: -ai and -ay Word Practice (21:37)
Start-ea Words and Selkie Story (12:48)
StartSelkie Story Writing Practice (3:53)
StartTwo Goats and Word Sort (19:48)
StartJack and Jane Story: Main Lesson (17:33)
StartMain lesson: Learning About the Beginning, Middle, and End of a Story (14:24)
StartMain Lesson: Drawing and Word Sort (10:44)
StartQuarreling Quails Drawing and Sentences (15:18)
StartIdentifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
Language: Grammar with Teacher Simone
Available in
after you enroll
StartKing of Ireland's Son: Recall Nouns and Verbs (16:44)
StartKing of Ireland’s Son: Part Two: Finding Adjectives & Adverbs. Second Story: The Guilty Dogs (13:19)
StartCreating a Main Lesson Book Picture for “The Guilty Dogs” (29:58)
StartIdentifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
Start“In Mary’s Garden” – Learning about Topics and Paragraphs (7:48)
Start“In Mary’s Garden” – Learning about Who, What & When (13:19)
StartBig Red and Little Blue: Story Writing (26:22)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
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