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Seventh Grade Waldorf Living Lessons (Main Lessons)
First Lesson Free! (Members Ignore This Section)
Welcome to Seventh Grade with Teacher Stephanie (23:03)
FREE First Lesson: Astronomy 1: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part I (51:18)
Free First Lesson: Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 1: Imagery (43:57)
Free First Lesson: Geometry Lesson #1: Fibonacci Sequence: Part I (45:50)
Welcome and Introduction to Seventh Grade
Welcome to Seventh Grade with Teacher Stephanie (23:03)
Full Year of Seventh Grade to Download (Optional)
CURRICULUM PLANNERS: Full Year of Seventh Grade to Download by the Month
GUIDE to Using Living Lessons with Printed Curriculum
Seventh Grade FAQs
Seventh Grade Book List
NEW! Seventh Grade Planner/Block Covers for the Year
Teacher Support Materials & Tutorials
Teacher Support Materials & Tutorials (117:14)
Seventh Grade Astronomy Block
Astronomy Main Lesson Book Pages
Written Lessons for the Seventh Grade Astronomy Block
Astronomy 1: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part I (51:18)
Astronomy 2: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part II (49:42)
Astronomy 3: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part III (45:56)
Astronomy 4: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part I (41:36)
Astronomy 5: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part II (42:59)
Astronomy 6: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part III (46:59)
Astronomy 7: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part IV (45:31)
Astronomy 8: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part I (46:43)
Astronomy 9: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part II (49:59)
Astronomy 10: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part III (48:19)
Astronomy A: Ptolemy (46:21)
Astronomy B: Copernicus (40:39)
Astronomy C: Giordano Bruno (46:42)
Astronomy D: Tycho Brahe (43:47)
Astronomy Lesson E: Galileo: Part I (43:57)
Astronomy Lessons F: Galileo: Part II (45:37)
Astronomy Lessons G: Kepler (42:23)
Astronomy Lessons H: (Final Astronomy Lesson for 7th Grade) Newton (47:16)
Seventh Grade Language Block: Poetry
Written Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Language Block
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 1: Imagery (43:57)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 2: Show, Not Tell (42:27)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 3: The Character Sketch (43:32)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 4: Nostalgia (47:07)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 5: Wish (46:10)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 6: Wish for Humanity (45:25)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 7: Limmerick (40:53)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 8: Sonnet (41:44)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 9: Simile (46:11)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 10: Surprise Ending (47:22)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 11: Types of Surprise (48:06)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 12: Descriptive Writing, Landscape (45:55)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 13: Surprise -vs- Suspense (47:55)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 14: Free Verse: Part I (45:37)
G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 15: Free Verse: Part II (45:57)
Math Problems for Practice: This Covers Both Math Blocks and More
Math Worksheets
Seventh Grade Math Block: Pre-Algebra and Algebra
Written Curriculum for Seventh Grade Math Block (9:24)
Algebra Lesson #1: Introduction to Integers (24:41)
Algebra Lesson #2: Adding Integers (42:27)
Algebra Lesson #3: Subtracting Integers (38:41)
Algebra Lesson #4: Multiplying Integers (45:34)
Algebra Lesson #5: Dividing Integers (34:55)
Algebra Lesson #6: Introduction to Exponents (33:26)
Algebra Lesson #7: Exponents Lesson Two (49:43)
Algebra Lesson #8: Exponents Lesson Three - Squares (40:14)
Algebra Lesson #9: Exponents Lesson Four (38:21)
Algebra Lesson #10: Exponents Lesson Five (37:18)
Algebra Lesson #11: Algebra Lesson One (47:42)
Algebra Lesson #12: Algebra Lesson Two (49:22)
Algebra Lesson #13: Algebra Lesson Three (32:40)
Algebra Lesson #14: Algebra Lesson Four (36:07)
Algebra Lesson #15: Algebra Lesson Five (26:17)
Algebra Lesson #16: Algebra Review
Bonus Math Lesson: The Golden Rectangle (9:24)
Seventh Grade Middle Ages Block
Written Lessons for Seventh Grade Middle Ages Block (27:00)
Middle Ages Lesson #1: Introduction & Castle Painting (45:57)
Middle Ages Lesson #2: Attila the Hun / The Franks / Clovis I (53:59)
Middle Ages Lesson #3: Monks and Monasteries (47:53)
Middle Ages Lesson #4: Charlemagne (could easily be split over 2 or 3 days) (64:37)
Middle Ages Lesson #5: The Islamic World in the Middle Ages (40:50)
Middle Ages Lesson #6: Knights in the Middle Ages (39:52)
Middle Ages Lesson #7: The Crusades (53:35)
Middle Ages Lesson #8: The Crusades - Part II (23:19)
Middle Ages Lesson #9: Eleanor of Aquitaine (58:41)
Middle Ages Lesson #10: Queen Eleanor (28:27)
Middle Ages Lesson #11: 100 Year War (34:29)
Middle Ages Lesson #12: The Bubonic Plague (56:01)
Middle Ages Lesson #13: Joan of Arc: Part I (76:26)
Middle Ages Lesson #14: Joan of Arc: Part II (50:57)
Middle Ages Lesson #15: Wrap Up Lesson - Final Lesson (16:26)
Middle Ages Lesson #16: Bonus Middle Ages Lesson (27:00)
Seventh Grade Renaissance Block
Written Lessons for Seventh Grade Renaissance Block
Seventh Grade Renaissance 1: Petrarch (50:38)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 2: Giotto (48:24)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 3: The Black Death (51:01)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 4: Brunelleschi (51:52)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 5: Joan of Arc: Part I (49:47)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 6: Joan of Arc: Part II (51:33)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 7: Joan of Arc: Part III (57:46)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 8: Medici (55:27)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 9: DaVinci: Part I (54:11)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 10: DaVinci: Part II (47:37)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 11: DaVinci: Part III (45:53)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 12: Michaelangelo: Part I (48:42)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 13: Michaelangelo: Part II (47:48)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 14: Raphael (53:04)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 15: Savonarola (43:50)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 16: Martin Luther: Part I (50:35)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 17: Martin Luther: Part II (45:14)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 18: Thomas Moore (48:33)
Seventh Grade Renaissance 19: Isabella and Ferdinand (51:31)
Seventh Grade Math: Geometry
Sheet Music for Recorder Lessons (During the Geometry Block)
Geometry Lesson #1: Fibonacci Sequence: Part I (45:50)
Geometry Lesson #2: Fibonacci Sequence: Part II (43:50)
Geometry Lesson #3: The Golden Mean (58:57)
Geometry Lesson #4: The Pentagon: Part I (41:26)
Geometry Lesson #5: The Pentagon: Part II (41:10)
Geometry Lesson #6: The Human Body and Phi (45:38)
Geometry Lesson #7: Angle Proofs, Part 1 (52:47)
Geometry Lesson #8: Angle Proofs and Theorems: Part II (49:49)
Geometry Lesson #9: Pythagoras: Part I (56:17)
Geometry Lesson #10: Pythagoras: Part II (40:23)
Geometry Lesson #11: Pythagoras: Part III (47:05)
Geometry Lesson #12: Pythagorean Triples & Area (50:41)
Geometry Lesson #13: Area of Triangle (42:20)
Geometry Lesson #14: Area of a Trapezoid (53:17)
Geometry Lesson #15: Circumference and Pi (47:53)
Geometry Lesson #16: Area of a Circle (44:11)
Geometry Lesson #17: Pythagoras’ Spiral (57:47)
Geometry Lesson #18: Heptagon (51:25)
Geometry Lesson #19: Square Root Algorithm – Part I (63:45)
Geometry Lesson #20: Square Root Algorithm – Part II (51:34)
Geometry Lesson #21: Square Root Algorithm – Part III (53:00)
Geometry Lesson #22: Square Root Algorithm – Part IV – FINAL LESSON (48:03)
Seventh Grade: Age of Chivalry
Written Lessons for Seventh Grade Age of Chivalry Block
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #1: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Part I (45:06)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #2: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Part II (43:15)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #3: Feudalism (42:50)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #4: Knighthood (51:28)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #5: Gothic Cathedrals (41:32)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #6: England and Normandy (43:40)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #7: William the Conquerer (45:33)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #8: The Plantagenet Kings (44:21)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #9: Richard the Lionheart (85:04)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #10: King John: Part One (45:54)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #11: King John: Magna Carta (36:41)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #12: Building and Living in a Castle (43:20)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #13: Islamic Golden Age (45:28)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #14: The Crescent and the Cross (45:21)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #15: Saracen Chivalry (43:31)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #16: The Hundred Years War - Part I (46:16)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #17: The Hundred Years War - Part II (49:36)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #18: The Hundred Years War - Part III (48:28)
Age of Chivalry: Lesson #19: Wrap Up and Jeopardy Review (50:32)
Seventh Grade Physics Block
Written Lessons for Seventh Grade Physics Block
G7 Physics: Music Book for All Recorder Songs
G7 Physics: Lesson 1: Physics:Â Mechanics (Demonstration 1)Â (41:49)
G7 Physics: Lesson 2: Physics:Â Mechanics (Review 1 - The Lever)Â (41:33)
G7 Physics: Lesson 3: Mechanics: Simple Machines and the Law of the Lever (43:06)
G7 Physics: Lesson 4 Mechanics: Simple Machines and Types of Levers (41:55)
G7 Physics: Lesson 5: Mechanics: The Inclined Plane: Part I (38:26)
G7 Physics: Lesson 6: Mechanics: Inclined Plane: Part II (41:17)
G7 Physics: Lesson 7: Mechanics: Simple Machines #3 (Demonstration) (38:42)
G7 Physics: Lesson 8: Mechanics: The Wedge (46:19)
G7 Physics: Lesson 8B: Mechanics Demonstration: Simple Machines #4 (43:22)
G7 Physics: Lesson 9: Mechanics: Archimedes’ Screw (42:50)
G7 Physics: Lesson 10: Mechanics: Demonstration: Simple Machine (43:37)
G7 Physics: Lesson 11: Mechanics: Wheel and Axel: Part I (41:07)
G7 Physics: Lesson 12: Mechanics: Wheel and Axel: Part II (42:57)
G7 Physics: Lesson 13: Practice with Gears (46:56)
G7 Physics: Lesson 14: Demonstration Simple Machines #6: The Pulley (43:50)
G7 Physics: Lesson 15: Introduction to Magnetism (44:50)
G7 Physics: Lesson 16: Property #1: Attraction (44:23)
G7 Physics: Lesson 17: Property Two - Repulsion (43:41)
G7 Physics: Lesson 18: Demonstration - Magnetic Fields (47:53)
G7 Physics: Lesson 18B: Magnetism Explained (47:21)
G7 Physics: Lesson 19A: Introduction to Electricity (42:03)
G7 Physics: Lesson 19B: Series Circuits (44:49)
G7 Physics: Lesson 20: Series Circuits Demonstration #2 (13:01)
G7 Physics: Lesson 21: Parallel Circuits (42:54)
G7 Physics: Lesson 22: Voltaic Cells (47:03)
G7 Physics: Lesson 23: A Simple Electric Motor (44:37)
G7 Physics: Lesson 24: Final Review Game (48:20)
Seventh Grade: Age of Exploration
Written Lessons for the Seventh Grade Age of Exploration Block (16:07)
Age of Exploration: Lesson One: Henry the Navigator: Part I (47:12)
Age of Exploration: Lesson One: Henry the Navigator: Part II (45:00)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Three: Bartholomeu Dias (46:23)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Four: Vasco da Game Part I (46:10)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Five: Vasco da Game Part II (47:42)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Six: Vasco da Game Part III (45:00)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Seven: Vasco da Game Part IV (45:23)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Eight: Vasco da Game Part V: A Journey’s End (44:19)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Nine: Vasco da Game Part VI: The Aftermath (45:46)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Ten: Columbus: Part I (45:39)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Eleven: Columbus: Part II (42:25)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Twelve: Christopher Columbus: Part III: Final Journeys (49:02)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Thirteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part I (43:43)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Fourteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part II (43:54)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Fifteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part III (43:14)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Sixteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part IV: Wrap-up (44:48)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Seventeen: Amerigo Vespucci (44:45)
Age of Exploration: Lesson Eighteen Final Lesson: Block Review Game (44:28)
Seventh Grade Geography Block: Geography of Africa
Written Lessons for the Seventh Grade Geography Block
Seventh Grade Geography: Lesson One: Introduction to African Geography (46:28)
African Geography: Lesson 2: Physical Geography of Africa: Part I (35:27)
African Geography: Lesson 3: Physical Geography of Africa: Part II: Guided Drawing Technique (13:40)
African Geography: Lesson 4: Flora and Fauna of Africa: Part I (44:15)
African Geography: Lesson 5: Flora and Fauna of Africa: Part II (42:01)
African Geography: Lesson 6: Physical Geography through Myth and Folklore (42:41)
African Geography: Lesson 7: The Massai: Introduction (43:58)
African Geography: Lesson 8: The Massai Tribe: Part II (43:39)
African Geography: Lesson 9: The Massai: Customs and Beliefs (46:54)
African Geography: Lesson 10: Intro to the Tuareg (42:38)
African Geography: Lesson 11: The Tuareg Customs and Beliefs (41:48)
African Geography: Lesson 12: The Central African Foragers (42:54)
African Geography: Lesson 13: Jane Goodall (44:58)
African Geography: Lesson 14: Exploring Africa: David Livingstone (44:31)
African Geography: Lesson 15: Livingstone and Stanley (36:58)
Seventh Grade Geography Block: Geography of South America
South American Geography: Lesson 1: Introduction (41:59)
South American Geography: Lesson 2: Physical Geography (40:54)
South American Geography: Lesson 3: People of the Andes: The Inca (44:58)
South American Geography: Lesson 4: Machu Picchu (42:22)
South American Geography: Lesson 5: People of the Salt Flats (41:25)
South American Geography: Lesson 6: Introduction to the Amazon Rainforest (42:49)
South American Geography: Lesson 7: Tribes of the Amazon (42:15)
South American Geography: Lesson 8: Pampas (45:11)
Seventh Grade Animal Physiology: (OPTIONAL BLOCK) Written Lessons Only
Written Lessons for Seventh Grade Animal Physiology (Optional Block)
Audio for Animal Physiology
Video for Animal Physiology: Deer (11:32)
Video for Animal Physiology: Birds (8:41)
Video for Animal Physiology: Fox and Groundhog (4:30)
Animal Physiology: Manatee (1:22)
Animal Physiology: Bird Feeder (2:33)
Animal Physiology: Mole, Bee, and Frog (3:15)
Seventh Grade Meteorology Block
Written Lessons for the Seventh Grade Meteorology Block
Seventh Grade Meteorology: Lesson One: Introduction and Dew (41:04)
Seventh Grade Meteorology: Lesson Two: Fog (40:42)
More Videos Coming Soon - Waldorf Teacher Stephanie is Working on These Now
Seventh Grade Chemistry Block
Written Lessons for the Seventh Grade Chemistry Block (8:57)
Temporary Videos for the Chemistry Block (8:57)
When will the Living Lessons in this block be ready?
More Videos Coming Soon
Seventh Grade Earthschooling Extra Lessons
Seventh Grade Extra Lessons
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G7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 4: Nostalgia
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