Seventh Grade Waldorf Living Lessons (Main Lessons)
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Teacher Stephanie is your main lesson teacher for this block! You can view a welcome video from her below. Teacher Danielle assists in this class.
Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby). Scroll down to the class listings below to see the full syllabus and to view some free samples!
Do you want a FULL Waldorf Curriculum with Music, Handwork, Eurythmy, and extra Art Lessons?
Visit our seventh-grade Bundle HERE
Your Instructor
A class designated as being taught by The BEarth Institute may involve multiple teachers. You can learn more about all of our teachers here:
Classes that involve multiple teachers are as follows:
- Preschool & Kindergarten: Amy Cho and Safia Mandil (Stories, Crafts, and Circle Time)
- First Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Nicole Martinez (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Diane Power, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Michelle Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Second Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Simone Blanchard (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Diane Power, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Third Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Amy Williams & Joy Cowburn (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Fourth Grade: Mellie Lonneman & Nicole Martinez (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Fifth Grade: Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, Catherine Allegretti, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Sixth Grade: Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, Robyn Beaufoy, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Seventh Grade: Stephanie Packer & Danielle Gair (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, Catherine Allegretti, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Eighth Grade: Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Ninth Grade: Stephanie Packer, Natasha Sherwood, Kerry Burke, Dr. Chris Deason, Danielle Gair, Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Dan Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Tenth Grade: Rachel Solt, Stephanie Packer, Natasha Sherwood, Kerry Burke, Dr. Chris Deason, Danielle Gair, Nicholas Andrea (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, Michelle Prindle, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Eleventh Grade: Stephanie Packer, Danielle Gair, Mohsina Mandil (Main Lessons) & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
- Twelfth Grade: Stephanie Packer, Mohsina Mandil & Mellie Lonneman, Rick Tan, Janet Walker, Megan Hammer, Cynthia Hansen, Brian Wolfe, and Kristie Burns (Music, Art, Handwork & Eurythmy)
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome to Seventh Grade with Teacher Stephanie (23:03)
PreviewFREE First Lesson: Astronomy 1: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part I (51:18)
PreviewFree First Lesson: Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 1: Imagery (43:57)
PreviewFree First Lesson: Geometry Lesson #1: Fibonacci Sequence: Part I (45:50)
StartIntroduction: IMPORTANT: READ FIRST
StartWelcome to Seventh Grade with Teacher Stephanie (23:03)
StartFull Year of Seventh Grade to Download (Optional)
StartCURRICULUM PLANNERS: Full Year of Seventh Grade to Download by the Month
StartGUIDE to Using Living Lessons with Printed Curriculum
StartSeventh Grade FAQs
StartSeventh Grade Book List
StartNEW! Seventh Grade Planner/Block Covers for the Year
StartAstronomy Main Lesson Book Pages
StartWritten Lessons for the Seventh Grade Astronomy Block
StartAstronomy 1: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part I (51:18)
StartAstronomy 2: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part II (49:42)
StartAstronomy 3: The Perceived Path of the Sun: Part III (45:56)
StartAstronomy 4: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part I (41:36)
StartAstronomy 5: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part II (42:59)
StartAstronomy 6: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part III (46:59)
StartAstronomy 7: The Perceived Path of the Stars: Part IV (45:31)
StartAstronomy 8: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part I (46:43)
StartAstronomy 9: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part II (49:59)
StartAstronomy 10: The Perceived Path of the Moon: Part III (48:19)
StartAstronomy A: Ptolemy (46:21)
StartAstronomy B: Copernicus (40:39)
StartAstronomy C: Giordano Bruno (46:42)
StartAstronomy D: Tycho Brahe (43:47)
StartAstronomy Lesson E: Galileo: Part I (43:57)
StartAstronomy Lessons F: Galileo: Part II (45:37)
StartAstronomy Lessons G: Kepler (42:23)
StartAstronomy Lessons H: (Final Astronomy Lesson for 7th Grade) Newton (47:16)
StartWritten Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Language Block
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 1: Imagery (43:57)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 2: Show, Not Tell (42:27)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 3: The Character Sketch (43:32)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 4: Nostalgia (47:07)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise 5: Wish (46:10)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 6: Wish for Humanity (45:25)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 7: Limmerick (40:53)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 8: Sonnet (41:44)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 9: Simile (46:11)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 10: Surprise Ending (47:22)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 11: Types of Surprise (48:06)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 12: Descriptive Writing, Landscape (45:55)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 13: Surprise -vs- Suspense (47:55)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 14: Free Verse: Part I (45:37)
StartG7 Poetry: Wish, Wonder, and Surprise: Lesson 15: Free Verse: Part II (45:57)
StartWritten Curriculum for Seventh Grade Math Block (9:24)
StartAlgebra Lesson #1: Introduction to Integers (24:41)
StartAlgebra Lesson #2: Adding Integers (42:27)
StartAlgebra Lesson #3: Subtracting Integers (38:41)
StartAlgebra Lesson #4: Multiplying Integers (45:34)
StartAlgebra Lesson #5: Dividing Integers (34:55)
StartAlgebra Lesson #6: Introduction to Exponents (33:26)
StartAlgebra Lesson #7: Exponents Lesson Two (49:43)
StartAlgebra Lesson #8: Exponents Lesson Three - Squares (40:14)
StartAlgebra Lesson #9: Exponents Lesson Four (38:21)
StartAlgebra Lesson #10: Exponents Lesson Five (37:18)
StartAlgebra Lesson #11: Algebra Lesson One (47:42)
StartAlgebra Lesson #12: Algebra Lesson Two (49:22)
StartAlgebra Lesson #13: Algebra Lesson Three (32:40)
StartAlgebra Lesson #14: Algebra Lesson Four (36:07)
StartAlgebra Lesson #15: Algebra Lesson Five (26:17)
StartAlgebra Lesson #16: Algebra Review
StartBonus Math Lesson: The Golden Rectangle (9:24)
StartWritten Lessons for Seventh Grade Middle Ages Block (27:00)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #1: Introduction & Castle Painting (45:57)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #2: Attila the Hun / The Franks / Clovis I (53:59)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #3: Monks and Monasteries (47:53)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #4: Charlemagne (could easily be split over 2 or 3 days) (64:37)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #5: The Islamic World in the Middle Ages (40:50)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #6: Knights in the Middle Ages (39:52)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #7: The Crusades (53:35)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #8: The Crusades - Part II (23:19)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #9: Eleanor of Aquitaine (58:41)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #10: Queen Eleanor (28:27)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #11: 100 Year War (34:29)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #12: The Bubonic Plague (56:01)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #13: Joan of Arc: Part I (76:26)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #14: Joan of Arc: Part II (50:57)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #15: Wrap Up Lesson - Final Lesson (16:26)
StartMiddle Ages Lesson #16: Bonus Middle Ages Lesson (27:00)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance SAMPLE MAIN LESSON BOOK PAGES
StartWritten Lessons for Seventh Grade Renaissance Block
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 1: Petrarch (50:38)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 2: Giotto (48:24)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 3: The Black Death (51:01)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 4: Brunelleschi (51:52)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 5: Joan of Arc: Part I (49:47)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 6: Joan of Arc: Part II (51:33)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 7: Joan of Arc: Part III (57:46)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 8: Medici (55:27)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 9: DaVinci: Part I (54:11)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 10: DaVinci: Part II (47:37)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 11: DaVinci: Part III (45:53)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 12: Michaelangelo: Part I (48:42)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 13: Michaelangelo: Part II (47:48)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 14: Raphael (53:04)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 15: Savonarola (43:50)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 16: Martin Luther: Part I (50:35)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 17: Martin Luther: Part II (45:14)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 18: Thomas Moore (48:33)
StartSeventh Grade Renaissance 19: Isabella and Ferdinand (51:31)
StartSheet Music for Recorder Lessons (During the Geometry Block)
StartGeometry Lesson #1: Fibonacci Sequence: Part I (45:50)
StartGeometry Lesson #2: Fibonacci Sequence: Part II (43:50)
StartGeometry Lesson #3: The Golden Mean (58:57)
StartGeometry Lesson #4: The Pentagon: Part I (41:26)
StartGeometry Lesson #5: The Pentagon: Part II (41:10)
StartGeometry Lesson #6: The Human Body and Phi (45:38)
StartGeometry Lesson #7: Angle Proofs, Part 1 (52:47)
StartGeometry Lesson #8: Angle Proofs and Theorems: Part II (49:49)
StartGeometry Lesson #9: Pythagoras: Part I (56:17)
StartGeometry Lesson #10: Pythagoras: Part II (40:23)
StartGeometry Lesson #11: Pythagoras: Part III (47:05)
StartGeometry Lesson #12: Pythagorean Triples & Area (50:41)
StartGeometry Lesson #13: Area of Triangle (42:20)
StartGeometry Lesson #14: Area of a Trapezoid (53:17)
StartGeometry Lesson #15: Circumference and Pi (47:53)
StartGeometry Lesson #16: Area of a Circle (44:11)
StartGeometry Lesson #17: Pythagoras’ Spiral (57:47)
StartGeometry Lesson #18: Heptagon (51:25)
StartGeometry Lesson #19: Square Root Algorithm – Part I (63:45)
StartGeometry Lesson #20: Square Root Algorithm – Part II (51:34)
StartGeometry Lesson #21: Square Root Algorithm – Part III (53:00)
StartGeometry Lesson #22: Square Root Algorithm – Part IV – FINAL LESSON (48:03)
StartWritten Lessons for Seventh Grade Age of Chivalry Block
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #1: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Part I (45:06)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #2: Eleanor of Aquitaine: Part II (43:15)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #3: Feudalism (42:50)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #4: Knighthood (51:28)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #5: Gothic Cathedrals (41:32)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #6: England and Normandy (43:40)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #7: William the Conquerer (45:33)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #8: The Plantagenet Kings (44:21)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #9: Richard the Lionheart (85:04)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #10: King John: Part One (45:54)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #11: King John: Magna Carta (36:41)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #12: Building and Living in a Castle (43:20)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #13: Islamic Golden Age (45:28)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #14: The Crescent and the Cross (45:21)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #15: Saracen Chivalry (43:31)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #16: The Hundred Years War - Part I (46:16)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #17: The Hundred Years War - Part II (49:36)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #18: The Hundred Years War - Part III (48:28)
StartAge of Chivalry: Lesson #19: Wrap Up and Jeopardy Review (50:32)
StartWritten Lessons for Seventh Grade Physics Block
StartG7 Physics: Music Book for All Recorder Songs
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 1: Physics: Mechanics (Demonstration 1) (41:49)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 2: Physics: Mechanics (Review 1 - The Lever) (41:33)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 3: Mechanics: Simple Machines and the Law of the Lever (43:06)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 4 Mechanics: Simple Machines and Types of Levers (41:55)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 5: Mechanics: The Inclined Plane: Part I (38:26)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 6: Mechanics: Inclined Plane: Part II (41:17)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 7: Mechanics: Simple Machines #3 (Demonstration) (38:42)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 8: Mechanics: The Wedge (46:19)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 8B: Mechanics Demonstration: Simple Machines #4 (43:22)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 9: Mechanics: Archimedes’ Screw (42:50)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 10: Mechanics: Demonstration: Simple Machine (43:37)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 11: Mechanics: Wheel and Axel: Part I (41:07)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 12: Mechanics: Wheel and Axel: Part II (42:57)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 13: Practice with Gears (46:56)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 14: Demonstration Simple Machines #6: The Pulley (43:50)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 15: Introduction to Magnetism (44:50)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 16: Property #1: Attraction (44:23)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 17: Property Two - Repulsion (43:41)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 18: Demonstration - Magnetic Fields (47:53)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 18B: Magnetism Explained (47:21)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 19A: Introduction to Electricity (42:03)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 19B: Series Circuits (44:49)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 20: Series Circuits Demonstration #2 (13:01)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 21: Parallel Circuits (42:54)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 22: Voltaic Cells (47:03)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 23: A Simple Electric Motor (44:37)
StartG7 Physics: Lesson 24: Final Review Game (48:20)
StartWritten Lessons for the Seventh Grade Age of Exploration Block (16:07)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson One: Henry the Navigator: Part I (47:12)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson One: Henry the Navigator: Part II (45:00)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Three: Bartholomeu Dias (46:23)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Four: Vasco da Game Part I (46:10)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Five: Vasco da Game Part II (47:42)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Six: Vasco da Game Part III (45:00)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Seven: Vasco da Game Part IV (45:23)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Eight: Vasco da Game Part V: A Journey’s End (44:19)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Nine: Vasco da Game Part VI: The Aftermath (45:46)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Ten: Columbus: Part I (45:39)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Eleven: Columbus: Part II (42:25)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Twelve: Christopher Columbus: Part III: Final Journeys (49:02)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Thirteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part I (43:43)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Fourteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part II (43:54)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Fifteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part III (43:14)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Sixteen: Ferdinand Magellan: Part IV: Wrap-up (44:48)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Seventeen: Amerigo Vespucci (44:45)
StartAge of Exploration: Lesson Eighteen Final Lesson: Block Review Game (44:28)
StartWritten Lessons for the Seventh Grade Geography Block
StartSeventh Grade Geography: Lesson One: Introduction to African Geography (46:28)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 2: Physical Geography of Africa: Part I (35:27)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 3: Physical Geography of Africa: Part II: Guided Drawing Technique (13:40)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 4: Flora and Fauna of Africa: Part I (44:15)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 5: Flora and Fauna of Africa: Part II (42:01)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 6: Physical Geography through Myth and Folklore (42:41)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 7: The Massai: Introduction (43:58)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 8: The Massai Tribe: Part II (43:39)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 9: The Massai: Customs and Beliefs (46:54)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 10: Intro to the Tuareg (42:38)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 11: The Tuareg Customs and Beliefs (41:48)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 12: The Central African Foragers (42:54)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 13: Jane Goodall (44:58)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 14: Exploring Africa: David Livingstone (44:31)
StartAfrican Geography: Lesson 15: Livingstone and Stanley (36:58)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 1: Introduction (41:59)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 2: Physical Geography (40:54)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 3: People of the Andes: The Inca (44:58)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 4: Machu Picchu (42:22)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 5: People of the Salt Flats (41:25)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 6: Introduction to the Amazon Rainforest (42:49)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 7: Tribes of the Amazon (42:15)
StartSouth American Geography: Lesson 8: Pampas (45:11)
StartWritten Lessons for Seventh Grade Animal Physiology (Optional Block)
StartAudio for Animal Physiology
StartVideo for Animal Physiology: Deer (11:32)
StartVideo for Animal Physiology: Birds (8:41)
StartVideo for Animal Physiology: Fox and Groundhog (4:30)
StartAnimal Physiology: Manatee (1:22)
StartAnimal Physiology: Bird Feeder (2:33)
StartAnimal Physiology: Mole, Bee, and Frog (3:15)