Second Grade Waldorf Living Lessons (Main Lessons)
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Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby).
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Your Instructor
Hello! My name is Simone Blanchard. I love music, art, books, and travel, and I love integrating those interests into my classroom. This will be my second year teaching and my first year as a Waldorf educator, and it has been so fun!
I grew up in California in the East Bay Area, and in my lifetime I have also had the opportunity to live in and travel to a number of other places. I spent part of my time in high school living in Maryland, taking advantage of the opportunity to explore the monuments and museums in Washington, DC. Later, I lived in Seoul, South Korea for 1.5 years, then spent a summer studying at Cambridge University in England. I have also cherished time I spent traveling in Denmark, Scotland, Norway, and France. Currently, Provo, Utah is my home base.
I attended Brigham Young University and have a Bachelor’s Degree in English Teaching. I also have experience teaching English as a Second Language as well as teaching Beginner- to Intermediate-level Korean.
In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors, watching movies and talking with loved ones, eating ice cream, and reading wonderful stories. I’m excited for another year of exploring and learning new things!
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction from Your Teacher Mellie Lonneman (16:58)
PreviewFREE FIRST LESSON: Fables with Teacher Mellie: The Fox and the Crow (40:12)
PreviewFREE LESSON: Hero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Rachel Carson (41:27)
PreviewFREE Main Lesson with Amy: Lesson 13: The Letter ‘m’ & Memory Mountain (9:58)
PreviewFREE Form Drawing with Teacher Simone: Form Drawing and Gnomes (10:02)
StartIntroduction: IMPORTANT: READ FIRST
StartGUIDE to Using Living Lessons with Printed Curriculum
StartIntroduction from Your Teacher Mellie Lonneman (16:58)
StartOpening Verses (10:30)
StartHow to Start Your Main Lesson Book (15:34)
StartFull Year of Second Grade to Download (Optional)
StartCURRICULUM PLANNERS: Full Year of Second Grade to Download by the Month
StartSecond Grade FAQs
StartSecond Grade Reading List
StartNEW! Planner/Block Covers for the Year
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Fables Block
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 1: The Fox and the Crow Fable (40:12)
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 2: Anansi and the Melon Fable (41:04)
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 3A: The Lion and the Mouse Fable (43:30)
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 3B: Lion and the Mouse Fable Drawing (29:57)
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 4: Anansi and the Sky God Fable (43:48)
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 5: The Tortoise and the Hare Fable (43:37)
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6A: The Fox and the Grapes Fable (41:16)
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 6B: Main Lesson Book Drawing – The Fox and the Grapes Fable (15:34)
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 7: Anansi Fable (44:38)
StartFables with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 8: Jackdaw and Eagle Fable (42:46)
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 9: The Story of A Man, his Son, and a Horse (19:22)
StartFables: Ant and Grasshopper Story: Lesson 10A (10:09)
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 10B: Ant and Grasshopper Fable: -ai and -ay Word Practice (21:37)
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 11A: Telling the Fable: The Foolish Rabbit and the Coconut
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 11B: Foolish Rabbit and the Coconut Drawing (17:18)
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 12: Turtle and Geese Story, Rock Formations & A Nature Drawing (16:34)
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 13A: Quarreling Quails Story
StartFables with Teacher Simone: Lesson 13B: Quarreling Quails Drawing and Sentences (15:18)
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Heroes and Saints Block
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 1: Dr. Martin Luther King (40:11)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 2: Gandhi (41:12)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 3: Wangari Maathai (43:19)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 4: John Muir: Part One (17:13)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 5: John Muir: Part Two (24:29)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Rachel Carson (41:27)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 7: Black Elk: Part I (12:14)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 8: Black Elk: Part II (27:42)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 9: Jane Goodall (43:51)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson A: Hero Books (24:14)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson B: Telling the Story – The King of Ireland’s Son (5:41)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson C: Creating a Wax Character for a Story (5:53)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson D: King of Ireland’s Son: Part Two: Finding Adjectives & Adverbs. Second Story: The Guilty Dogs (21:09)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson E & F: Creating a Main Lesson Book Picture for “The Guilty Dogs” (29:58)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson G: Identifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson H: King of Ireland’s Son Part Four: More Adjectives and Adverbs (13:19)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson I: King of Ireland’s Son Part Five: Chapter 6 and The Color Red (14:16)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson J: King of Ireland’s Son Part Six: Chapter Eight (6:04)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson K: The Balavisx & The King of Ireland’s Son (16:10)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson L: Paper Cutting a Circle and The Balavisx (21:05)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson M: King of Ireland’s Son Chapters 11 & 12 (15:31)
StartHero Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson N: Timeline for Inventor and Discoverer (15:00)
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Lower Case Alphabet Block
StartIntroduction to the Learning Lower Case Letters (14:04)
StartMain Lesson with Teacher Amy: Lesson 1: The Letter ‘a’ and The Acrobatic Apple (5:19)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 2: The Letter ‘b’ and Bella Bunny (10:42)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 3: The Letter ‘c’ and Crying Cloud (10:25)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 4: The Letter ‘d’ and The Divine Dipper (10:09)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 5: The Letter ‘e’ and Easter eggs (15:29)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 6: The Letter ‘f’ and Feeling Flowers (16:30)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 7: The Letter ‘g’ and Grape on the Ground (8:36)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 8: The Letter ‘h’ and Hiding Hut (10:20)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 9: The Letter ‘i’ and Immortalized Icicle (13:36)
StartMain Lesson with Amy Lesson 10: The Letter ‘j’ and Jesting Jack-o-Lantern (9:47)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 11: The Letter ‘k’ and Karate Kick (11:37)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 12: The Letter ‘l’ and Long Lollipop (13:23)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 13: The Letter ‘m’ and Memory Mountain (9:58)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 14: The Letter ‘n’ and Neat Nut (11:27)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 15: The Letter ‘o’ and Outgoing Octopus (13:36)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 16: The Letter ‘p’ and The Penguin with the Magic Snowflake (20:47)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 17: The Letter ‘q’ and The Quill (15:39)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 18: The Letter ‘r’ and The Rainbow (17:35)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 19: The Letter ‘s’ and The Slide (12:49)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 20: The Letter ‘t’ and The Topsy Turvy Top (14:05)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 21: The Letter ‘u’ and Sad Umbrella (16:34)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 22: The Letter ‘v’ and The Violet (14:27)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 23: The Letter ‘w’ and The Digging Worm (14:06)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 24: The Letter ‘x’ and The Xylophone (11:58)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 25: The Letter ‘y’ and The Yellow Bunny Yarn (15:51)
StartMain Lesson with Amy: Lesson 26: The Letter ‘z’ and The Zebra (12:10)
StartHouse, Tree, and Person Development Exercise (7:04)
StartLower Case Letter ‘m’ and the Math Maze (13:38)
StartLower Case Letter ‘n’ and Practicing (12:13)
StartArrowhead Story with B, M, and E (13:47)
StartThe Immortalized Icicle, The Pear Story, Working with Beeswax (15:10)
StartLower Case Letter ‘j’ and the Jesting Jack-o-Lantern (12:08)
StartLower Case Letter ‘k’ and the Karate Kick (12:13)
StartLetter Review: Knight and Courage Story (11:30)
StartSight Words Story, New Main Lesson Book, Subtraction (15:59)
StartThe Letter G: Grape on the Ground, Number 13 Facts (19:08)
StartRecall Letter H and the Hiding Hut, Addition Paper (11:41)
StartCrying Cloud and Magic Trick for Number 11 (10:33)
StartLower Case ‘e’ and Making a Dodecahedron: Part I (17:07)
StartLower Case ‘f’ practice and Making a Dodecahedron: Part II (20:04)
StartSensory Writing, Comparing -oa and o_e, Sentence about Two Goats Story (17:03)
StartAcrobatic Apple: Story and Drawing (7:35)
StartBella Bunny and Lowercase b Practice (7:25)
Start-ay Words; Main Lesson (9:29)
StartAnt and Grasshopper Fable: -ai and -ay Word Practice (21:37)
Start-ea Words and Selkie Story (12:48)
StartSelkie Story Writing Practice (3:53)
StartTwo Goats and Word Sort (19:48)
StartJack and Jane Story: Main Lesson (17:33)
StartMain lesson: Learning About the Beginning, Middle, and End of a Story (14:24)
StartMain Lesson: Drawing and Word Sort (10:44)
StartQuarreling Quails Drawing and Sentences (15:18)
StartIdentifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
StartKing of Ireland's Son: Recall Nouns and Verbs (16:44)
StartKing of Ireland’s Son: Part Two: Finding Adjectives & Adverbs. Second Story: The Guilty Dogs (13:19)
StartCreating a Main Lesson Book Picture for “The Guilty Dogs” (29:58)
StartIdentifying the Beginning, Middle and End of the Story. Adjective and Adverb Review (11:36)
Start“In Mary’s Garden” – Learning about Topics and Paragraphs (7:48)
Start“In Mary’s Garden” – Learning about Who, What & When (13:19)
StartBig Red and Little Blue: Story Writing (26:22)
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Form Drawing Block
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 1 (10:59)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 2 (12:35)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 3 (10:22)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 4 (13:12)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 5 (15:28)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6 (13:18)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 7 (11:58)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 8 (13:01)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 9 (14:04)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 10 (13:14)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Simone: Block Crayons & Form Drawing: The Lion & The Mouse (24:07)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Simone: Form Drawing and Gnomes (10:02)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Nicole: Figure 8 Form (1:30)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Nicole: Running Form #1: Waves (3:04)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Nicole: Running Form #2: ‘Cat Ears’ (2:56)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Nicole: Form Drawing Running Forms & Mirrored Forms (4:56)
StartForm Drawing with Teacher Nicole: Vertical Mirrored Form Drawing (1:26)
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Math Block
StartWorksheets for Second Grade Math
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson One (18:44)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Two (28:08)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Three (31:03)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Four (30:55)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Five (33:15)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Six (33:01)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Seven (35:00)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Eight (30:19)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Nine (29:24)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Ten (30:28)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Eleven (25:17)
StartMath Block with Teacher Mellie: Lesson Twelve (33:53)
StartImportant Note for Simone's Math Videos Below...
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Using Beanbags (3:50)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson One: Inches, Centimeters, and Subtraction (14:16)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Two: Advent and the Color Bar Graph (12:39)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Three: Hannukah and Estimation (10:18)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Four: The Number 17 (8:15)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Five: Counting by 6 with Bean Bags and Expanded Form Adding (16:33)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Six: Lower Case Letter ‘m’ and the Math Maze (13:38)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Seven: Countdown 20 to 1 and a Dragon Story (30:13)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Eight: Odd Todd and Even Steven and a Dragon Story (18:07)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Nine: Numbers 10 to 20 (15:14)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Ten: Sight Words Story, New Main Lesson Book, Subtraction (15:59)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Eleven: The Letter G: Grape on the Ground, Number 13 Facts (19:08)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Twelve: Recall Letter H and the Hiding Hut, Addition Paper (11:41)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Thirteen: Crying Cloud and Magic Trick for Number 11 (10:33)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Fourteen: Zodiac Story, Twelve Gemstones, and the Properties of Numbers One and Two (23:46)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Fifteen: Lower Case ‘e’ and Making a Dodecahedron: Part I (17:07)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Sixteen: Lower Case ‘f’ practice and Making a Dodecahedron: Part II (20:04)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Seventeen: Knights and Dragons Place Value Story and Lesson: Quality of Number 11 (10:31)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Eighteen: Nature Symmetry with Bees & Number Practice (9:55)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Nineteen: Squirrel and Bunny Math and Square Fun with Math (11:41)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Twenty: Number Operations and 7 x to 70 (24:24)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Twenty-One: Number Patterns and Gnomes (14:27)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Twenty-Two: Violet: Adding and Subtracting 10 and 100 (25:10)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Twenty-Three: Paper Cutting a Circle and The Balavisx (21:05)
StartMath Block 2 with Teacher Simone: Lesson Twenty-Four: Gnomes and Counting to 1000 (25:30)
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Science Block
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 1: Turtle Races Beaver (40:56)
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 2: The Monkey and the Mangoes (45:03)
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 3: Butterflies (42:56)
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 4: The Monarch (40:33)
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 5: The Walnut (45:46)
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Clay (43:39)
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 7: Clouds (40:48)
StartScience with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 8: Weather (42:32)
StartScience with Teacher Simone: Lesson A: Turtle and Geese Story, Rock Formations & A Nature Drawing (16:34)
StartScience with Teacher Simone: Lesson B: Nature Symmetry with Bees & Number Practice (9:55)
StartScience with Teacher Simone: Lesson C: Animals, Seeds, and Pollination (8:00)
StartScience with Teacher Simone: Lesson D: Creating a Timeline for an Inventor or Discoverer (15:00)
StartWritten Lessons for Second Grade Saints Block
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 1: Saint George (43:37)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 2: Saint Martin (40:58)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 3: Saints: Saint Elizabeth (39:56)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 4: Saint Lucia (56:18)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 5: Saint Nicholas (45:42)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 6: Rabia al Basri (40:59)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 7: Jerome and the Lion (47:58)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 8: Saint Francis (44:36)
StartSaints with Teacher Mellie: Lesson 9: Rabbi Akiva (40:16)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson A: (St.) Werburga and the Geese (18:21)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson B: Amu Nowruz and Santa Claus (23:18)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson C: (St.) Martin and a New Lesson Book (19:22)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson D: Anthony and the Fishes (30:07)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson E: (St.) Kevin and the Cow (17:28)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson F: (St.) Martin and a New Lesson Book (31:48)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson G: Saint Lucia (17:41)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson H: Saint Nicholas and the Flute (16:18)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson I: Saint Nicholas and the Red Wagon (14:40)
StartSaint Stories with Teacher Simone: Lesson J: Saint Nicholas and the Coat (13:32)