Eighth Grade Waldorf Living Lessons (Main Lessons)
Living Lessons are video lessons where a teacher leads the class through the main lessons for this grade. You can use these lessons as examples to follow for your own teaching or can use them as supplements to your own teaching (we all need a break now and then. I would have loved to have these available on days I was ill or was taking care of my fussy baby). Scroll down to the class listings below to see the full syllabus and to view some free samples!
Do you want a FULL Waldorf Curriculum with Music, Handwork, Eurythmy, and extra Art Lessons?
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Your Instructor
Nicholas Andrea now resides in the lush woodlands of northern Delaware with his family after spending the last six years teaching at the Asheville Waldorf School in North Carolina as a grades, music, and aftercare teacher. Nicholas earned his Waldorf Elementary and Music certifications at Sunbridge Institute in Spring Valley, NY. He is passionate about the Waldorf curriculum and believes in its ability to raise capable, compassionate, and creative human beings. After the birth of their son last October, Nicholas and his partner Cassie wanted more time at home with their baby which has led Nicholas to finding Earthschooling.
Nicholas is also passionate about music, speech arts, and history. Known in other circles as “The Bard,” Nicholas’s lifelong love of music has led him to a variety of instruments including world percussion, dijeridoo, flutes of various kinds, and Irish and Scottish bagpipes. He is also a published poet, and he spends his spare time plumbing the mysteries of world history in order to understand how we got where we are and where we go from here.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction: IMPORTANT: READ FIRST
StartFull Year of Eighth Grade to Download (Optional)
StartCURRICULUM PLANNERS: Full Year of Eighth Grade to Download by the Month
StartGUIDE to Using Living Lessons with Printed Curriculum
StartEighth Grade FAQs
StartEighth Grade Reading List
StartNEW! Eighth Grade Planner/Block Covers for the Year
StartWritten Lessons & Extra Bonus Lessons for Eight Grade Physiology Block (63:33)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #1: Blood Circulation (43:55)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #2: The Threefold Nature of the Human Being (50:11)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #3: The Body's Three Cavities (45:55)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #4: Digestion and the Stomach (56:29)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #5: Digestion and the Intestines (46:27)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #6: The Miracles of Breath (41:40)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #7: The Lungs (51:10)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #8: Nature's Artistry Through Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide (44:05)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #9: Arteries and Veins (86:14)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #10: Blood, the Healer (49:08)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #11: The Heart: Part I (53:43)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #12: The Heart: Part II (58:40)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #13: The Nervous System (51:53)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #14: Introduction to the Eye (54:30)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #15: The Structure of the Eye (55:58)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #16: More Mysteries of the Eye (59:28)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #17: Why the Nervous System Sleeps (51:45)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #18: The Human Ear (44:35)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #19: More Marvels of the Ear (43:27)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #20: World and Body Senses (54:37)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #21: The Brain, Part I (53:16)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #22: The Brain, Part II (47:10)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #23: The Spinal Cord (81:23)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #24: The Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems (44:03)
Start8th Grade Physiology Block Lesson #25: Block Review and Quiz (54:39)
StartWritten Lessons & Extra Lessons for Eight Grade Math Block
StartMath Worksheets for All Eighth Grade Math Blocks
StartIntroduction to Algebra I: READ FIRST
StartAlgebra Lesson #1: Introduction to Integers (24:41)
StartAlgebra Lesson #2: Adding Integers (42:27)
StartAlgebra Lesson #3: Subtracting Integers (38:41)
StartAlgebra Lesson #4: Multiplying Integers (45:34)
StartAlgebra Lesson #5: Dividing Integers (34:55)
StartAlgebra Lesson #6: Introduction to Exponents (33:26)
StartAlgebra Lesson #7: Exponents Lesson Two (49:43)
StartAlgebra Lesson #8: Exponents Lesson Three - Squares (40:14)
StartAlgebra Lesson #9: Exponents Lesson Four (38:21)
StartAlgebra Lesson #10: Exponents Lesson Five (37:18)
StartAlgebra Lesson #11: Algebra Lesson One (47:42)
StartAlgebra Lesson #12: Algebra Lesson Two (49:22)
StartAlgebra Lesson #13: Algebra Lesson Three (32:40)
StartAlgebra Lesson #14: Algebra Lesson Four (36:07)
StartAlgebra Lesson #15: Algebra Lesson Five (26:17)
StartAlgebra Lesson #16: Algebra Review (26:17)
StartBonus Math Lesson: The Golden Rectangle (9:24)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #1: Intro to Mensuration and Review of Area (56:40)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #2: Review of the Three Dimensions (48:09)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #3: Review of Square Roots (51:54)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #4: Double Trouble Square Root Algorithm (54:57)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #5: Square Roots in Decimal Numbers (52:55)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #6: Proof of Square Root of 2 as Irrational and More Square Root Practice (64:34)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #7: Reviewing Sheer and Stretch in Preparation for Proof of Pythagorean Theorem (52:11)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #8: Baravalle's Pythagorean Theorem Proof (63:58)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #9: Area of Triangles and Trapezoids (64:44)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #10: Formula for the Area of a Trapezoid (49:51)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #11: Heron's Formula for the Area of a Triangle (51:54)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #12: Area of an Isosceles Triangle (54:58)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #13: Proof for the Area of a Circle (63:50)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #14: Portions and Arcs (61:23)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #15: Volumes of Square and Rectangular Prisms (54:23)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #16: Volumes of Cylinders (93:15)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #17: Volume of a Pyramid (53:28)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #18: Volumes of Cylinder, Sphere, and Cone (136:13)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #19: Surface Area of Square and Rectangular Prisms and Cylinders (58:13)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #20: Surface Area of a Sphere (57:59)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #21: Surface Area of a Cone (57:45)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #22: The Three Dimensions and the Question of Sustainability (58:23)
Start8th Grade Mensuration Block Lesson #23: Block Review and Block Test (50:24)
StartWritten Lessons & Extra Lessons for the Eighth Grade Industrial Revolution Block (44:27)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #1: The Threefold Society (49:41)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #2: The Spinning Jenny Heralds the Industrial Revolution (49:43)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #3: The Advent of Steam Power (48:35)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #4: Introducing Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution (56:34)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #5: Financial Changes and The Struggle Between Capital and Labor (48:50)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #6: Food and Agriculture (42:10)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #7: Animal Breeding (49:45)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #8: Worker Complaints (74:47)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #9: Owner Responses to Worker Complaints (50:32)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #10: The Sewing Machine (51:15)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #11: The Power Loom (55:14)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #12: The Steam Locomotive: Part I (56:15)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #13: The Steam Locomotive: Part II (48:28)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #14: The Steam Ship: Part I (84:31)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #15: The Steam Ship: Part II (52:13)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #16: Sanitary Reform (48:52)
StartNew8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #17: Writing a Short Story Lesson (53:52)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #18: The Proletariat (44:49)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #19: The Dogma of Freedom in Economics (44:08)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #20: Robert Owen, the Hero of Brotherhood (51:33)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #21: The Beginning of Unions (51:17)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #22: The Fruition of Trade Unions (45:23)
Start8th Grade Industrial Revolution Block Lesson #23: How to Write an Essay (63:20)
StartWritten Lessons & Extra Lessons for the Eight Grade Elizabethan England Block (96:00)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson 1: Social Classes (55:48)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson 2: Life in Cities and Towns (48:13)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson 3: Changes in Orchards and Gardens (48:22)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson 4: Of Markets and Fairs (99:33)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #5: Of Metals and Minerals (43:02)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #6: Elizabethan Diet: Part I (57:50)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #7: Elizabethan Diet: Part II (53:51)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #8: Law in Elizabethan England (60:15)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #9: Comparison of Modern vs. Elizabethan Law (62:20)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #10: On Universities (51:08)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #11: The Life of Shakespeare (48:33)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #12: Attire and Apparel in the Time of Shakespeare (82:38)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #13: Romeo And Juliet (52:09)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #14: MacBeth (54:03)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #15: Old to Middle to Modern English (45:11)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #16: The Artists of Renaissance Italy (61:30)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #17: The Adventurer-Explorer (47:59)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #18: The Saint (58:30)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #19: The Monarch (42:49)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #20: The Warrior (53:07)
StartElizabethan England: Lesson #21: Block Test (37:24)
StartWritten Lessons & Extra Lessons for the Eighth Grade Physics Block
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #1: How Sound Propagates (52:58)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #2: Sound as Wave Through a Medium and the Doppler Effect (48:29)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #3: Sound Frequency and Pitch (62:57)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #4: Light, Lenses, and Mirrors (53:10)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #5: The Refraction of Light (54:50)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #6: Colors (57:16)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #6B: Artistic Rendering of Newton's vs. Goethe's Theories of Colors (22:05)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #7: Temperature and Pressure (50:08)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #8: The Focusing and Directing of Radiant Heat (48:37)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #9: The Absorption of Heat (58:41)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #10: Making an Electrical Circuit and Primitive Switch (56:02)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #10B: Making an Double Switch (20:53)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #11: Making a Telegraph (57:35)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #12: Testing Electrical Conductivity (53:23)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #13: Making an Electrical Game (58:02)
Start8th Grade Physics Block Lesson #14: Block Review and Quiz (51:57)
StartWritten Lessons & Extra Lessons for the Eighth Grade Revolutionary War Block (29:12)
StartWritten & Extra Lessons for Eighth Grade Civil War Block (36:55)
StartWritten and Extra Lessons for the WWI & WWII Block (48:12)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #1: Freedom and Its Enemies (52:37)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #2: The Palace of Versailles (51:54)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #3: King Louis XV, France's Vain Hope (42:00)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #4: The Seven Years War (54:55)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #5: The Count of St. Germain (85:23)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #6: Rousseau and Voltaire, Ideas that Shaped the Revolution (54:08)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #7: Bastille Day (58:45)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #8: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity (54:11)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #9: War for Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity (52:48)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #10: The Reign of Terror (52:33)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #11: Napoleon Bonaparte (56:37)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #12 - French Revolution Block Review (66:45)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #13 - The Founding of the 13 Colonies (58:05)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #14 - The Factors Leading to the American Revolution (59:01)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #15 - Events that Led to the Declaration of Independence, Part I (61:38)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #16 - Events that Led to the Declaration of Independence, Part II (44:24)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #17 - Events that Led to the Declaration of Independence, Part III (54:47)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #18 - The Declaration of Independence (46:28)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #19 - The Bill of Rights, Part I (56:56)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #20 - The Preamble to the Bill of Rights (66:28)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #21 - Decisive Battles of the Revolutionary War (56:15)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #22 - Impact of the Revolutionary War on Native Peoples (55:49)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #23 - The Role of Women and African American Heroes of the Revolution (55:24)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #24 - The Events Leading up to the Civil War (60:14)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #25 - The Life of a Slave (61:11)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #25B - How to Sing (17:46)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #26 - The Life of a Soldier, Part I (58:28)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #27 - The Life of a Soldier, Part II (60:31)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #28 - Timeline of the Civil War Part I and the Story of Robert Smalls (57:55)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #29: The Battle of Gettysburg (59:47)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #30: The Gettysburg Address (98:52)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #31: The Conclusion of the Civil War (59:50)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #32: The Life and Role of Women During the Civil War (50:04)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #33: The Lives of Former Slaves after the Emancipation (55:41)
Start8th Grade Revolutions Block: Lesson #34: Block Review and Quiz (69:57)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #1 - The Causes of War (62:17)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #2 - Ethnic Diversity and Imperialism in Europe (55:33)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #3 - The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (50:27)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #4 - The Impact of the Assassination on Europe (57:46)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #5 - The War at Sea (41:22)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #6 - The Profiteers of War (59:09)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #7 - The Disastrous Treaty of Versailles (50:38)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #8 - The Great Depression (65:04)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #9 - Life in German Society During WWII (49:58)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #10 - The Lives of Soldiers During WWII (60:49)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #11 - Hitler, Mob Mentality, and the Jews (65:20)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #12 - Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz and the Saving of Danish Jews (49:30)
Start8th Grade WWI and WWII Block Lesson #13 - Block Review, Quiz, and Conclusion of the War (55:19)
StartLesson #1 - Intro and Review of Formulas for Rentals and Falling Bodies (51:36)
Start#2 - Review of Euclid's Formula for Finding Perfect Numbers and Positive and Negative Integers (60:35)
StartLesson #3 - Simplifying Expressions (60:16)
StartLesson #4 - Order of Operations (60:12)
StartLesson #5 - Evaluating Expressions (62:17)
StartLesson #6 - Working with the Laws of Exponents (57:39)
StartLesson #7 - Using the Distributive Property of Algebra (49:54)
StartLesson #8 - Using the Distributive Property of Algebra with Fractions (59:35)
StartLesson #9 - Cross Multiplying to Solve Equations (52:05)
StartLesson #10 - Working with Repeating Decimal-Fractions (60:48)
StartLesson #11 - Turning Repeating Decimals back into Fractions (56:48)
StartLesson #12 - Using Algebra with Repeating Decimals (49:31)
StartLesson #13 - Algebra Block Quiz (39:54)
StartLesson #14 - Introduction to the Five Elements (49:10)
StartLesson #15 - Terms of 3-D Geometry (50:35)
StartLesson #16 - Brief Bio of Plato and Working with Prisms (56:01)
StartLesson #17 - Pyramids (62:35)
StartLesson #18 - Bipyramids (46:57)
StartLesson #19 - The Element and Solid of Fire (58:19)
StartLesson #20 - The Elements and Solids of Air and Earth (47:52)
StartLesson #21 - The Element and Solid of Water (109:51)
StartLesson #22 - The Element and Solid of Ether (61:55)
StartLesson #23 - The Properties of the Platonic Solids (48:44)
StartLesson #24 - Modeling the Platonic Solids with Card Stock (54:29)
StartLesson #25 - Block Review & Quiz (38:17)
StartLesson 1: Landscapes and Climates of Asia (57:44)
StartLesson 2: Resources of Asia (59:22)
StartLesson 3: The Cultures of the Indian Subcontinent, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh (64:36)
StartLesson 4: The Cultures of The Himalayas, Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan (63:24)
StartLesson 5: The Cultures of Central Asia from Afghanistan to Siberia (60:55)
StartLesson 6: The Cultures of China, Taiwan, and Mongolia (59:26)
StartLesson 7: The Culture of Korea (59:38)
StartLesson 8: The Culture of Japan (60:00)
StartLesson 9: Cultures of Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam (60:15)
StartLesson 10: Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines (62:32)
StartLesson 11: The Culture of Indonesia (60:09)
StartLesson 12: The Culture of the Middle East (59:50)
StartLesson 13: Collectivism vs. Individualism (68:46)
StartLesson 14: Essay on Collectivism vs. Individualism (50:56)
StartLesson 15: Communism in Asia (63:07)
StartLesson 16: The Interplay of Communism and Capitalism (58:16)
StartLesson 17: PROUT, an Asian-Born Philosophy of Sustainability (65:30)
StartLesson 18: Block Review and Quiz (70:27)
StartWritten & Extra Lessons for Eighth Grade Chemistry Block
Start8th Grade Organic Chemistry Lesson #1 - Sugar and Water (61:14)
Start8th Grade Organic Chemistry Lesson #2 - Heating Sugar (53:39)
Start8th Grade Organic Chemistry Lesson #3 - Starch and Water (66:02)
Start8th Grade Organic Chemistry Lesson #4 - Heating Starch (53:05)
Start8th Grade Organic Chemistry Lesson #5 - Investigating and Extracting Fats and Oils (65:08)
Start8th Grade Organic Chemistry Lesson #6 - Heating Fats and Oils (52:19)
Start8th Grade Organic Chemistry Lesson #7 - Proteins, Water, and Air (65:15)
StartOrganic Chemistry: Lesson Eight: FINAL LESSON (49:03)